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Import Layout For CSV File

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Hi, I have spent the last hour trying to sort out the headers in the file and keep getting errors when I import


ID Category Name Description Weight Price JA001 Farmshop Jams Strawberry Xtra Jam with Marc de Champagne 227g £3.10

JA011 Farmshop Preserves Blackcurrant Preserve with Rum 227g £3.10



should be simple, but it is being a pain, a description of what header is what would help, all I could find was this example:

ID;Active (0/1);Name *;Parent category;Root category (0/1);Description;Meta-title;Meta-keywords;Meta-description;URLrewritten;Image URL;ID / Name of shop


surely the header Name does'nt need the * ???


any pointers or advise please



many thanks Paul

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I can;t quite tell - are you using a category name? You have to use the ID number of the category, not it's name


Also, weight and cost should be number only, so 3.1 not £3.1

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so trying the basics here:




Category is Jams


Description is Strawberry Xtra Jam


Weight 227


price 3.1



so the headers:








Price tax incl.





so what is Name *


and is my headers correct?






regards Paul

Edited by peeps54 (see edit history)
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The names of your headers don;t matter - you simply match them agaisnt the import ones


Name * = means that you have to have that field


Headers look fine, but remember what I said. The category cannot be Jam, it has to be the ID of the category that is already there

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Are you being careful to match the field names in your file to the ones in prestashop (the system might guess which matches to what, but you do need to check they have got it right)


Have you remembered to tell it not to import the first line (ie. the titles)


have you remembered to check that the separator file matches between prestashop and CSV file?


Do the categories already exist?


if you w0uld like me to take a look, you could PM me the actau file and a back office log in

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I think we got this sorted Paul if you want to edit the heading to [solved]


For others you need to make sure of two things


1) When you create your CSV file make sure you know the field delimiter (usually a comma , but can be anything. Prestashop likes it to be a semi colon; but it can be changed

2) The import products feature does not create categories, they have to be created first, then the import file needs the Category ID not the category name

3) When you upload make sure you changes the upload to "Products" and that the field delimeter matches what you saved the csv file as

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