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PrestaShop is Migrating to GitHub

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Good news, thanks to Vincent Augagneur who took a lot of time of that. I wonder how you will have enough time to validate contributions AND fix bugs with a smaller team, so I will wait some times and keep an eyes on github to see if these promises will be finally keep before celebrate.


Anyway it's nice to see these kind of evolutions, GG Vincent & François ;)

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  On 11/15/2012 at 4:52 PM, mexique1 said:



How are you going to manage contributions ?

Will developers need to sign something to make contributions and agreeing to give the source to PrestaShop SA ?

The code will belong to the Prestashop project no? So, every user of Prestashop will have access to it. Prestashop will not sell its source code :)

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And please, please, don't forget to add your unit tests ! :)

We can suppose that the number of contributions is going to grow, so a good test suite to make sure you didn't break something is mandatory !


@Samy_R : again, no bullshit here. Magento2 project on GitHub has at least a clear disclaimer saying you are giving the intellectual property of the code you produce to Magento. https://github.com/magento/magento2


I'm not a software law specialist, but I think managing via GitHub is slighly different : on GitHub, once your pull request merged, your username will appear on the lines you changed. This is different from the forge, where even if you give a snippet of code, you are not committing it yourself.

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  \ said:
wonder how you will have enough time to validate contributions AND fix bugs with a smaller team' date=' so I will wait some times and keep an eyes on github to see if these promises will be finally keep before celebrate.[/quote']

I had the question ...


  \ said:

And please' date=' please, don't forget to add your unit tests !

We can suppose that the number of contributions is going to grow, so a good test suite to make sure you didn't break something is mandatory ![/quote']

Such a project without tests is not professionnal. I think.

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I am looking forward to see and use the new codesource home :)


For sure the commits will explode and in this way the increasing number of issues/features will get resolved faster. After all the prestateam has only members*2 number of hands

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  On 11/21/2012 at 1:37 PM, Erikku said:

What is the purpose of migrating to Github?

What does it do that SVN couldn't?

I don't get why everybody is to thrilled about it..

I pull a copy and make a fantastic change. You do the same. Alice and Bob each fixes a bug on their pulls. Now PS developer Charlie can pull selectively, integrating your change and Bob's bugfix to offical release (I am not saying that will happen). Doing this would be pretty involved with SVN, who can commit, someone tracking/approving every change etc.

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Here it is! :)





Please, read careffuly before starting :

PrestaShop is an open-source e-commerce solution - To contribute to our project, you can make pull requests on the development branch. All contributions must respect the norm: http://doc.prestashop.com/x/G4CP - If you fix a bug in your pull request, please specify the bug number in your pull request message (eg: #PSCFV-007) - If you need some help to make a pull-request: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests
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  On 11/21/2012 at 3:50 PM, Raphaël Malié said:

Phrasespot, Open-Source does not mean Free-Software.


You kidding right? I thought PrestaShop claims to be a free and open source software.


Where is the source code for modules:


authorizeaim, autoupgrade, avalaratax, birthdaypresent, cashticket, criteo, dejala, dibs, ebay, ekomi, envoimoinscher, fedexcarrier, fianetfraud, fianetsceau, gadsense, ganalytics, gcheckout, hipay, iadvize, livezilla, mondialrelay, moneybookers, ogone, paypal, paysafecard, prestafraud, reverso, secuvad, shipwire, socolissimo, themeinstallator, tm4b, treepodia, trustedshops, twenga, upscarrier, uspscarrier


You are distributing these modules under AFL 3.0. Read the License Terms for it. You MUST make the source available or you are violating the license.


"3) Grant of Source Code License. The term "Source Code" means the preferred form of the Original Work for making modifications to it and all available documentation describing how to modify the Original Work. Licensor agrees to provide a machine-readable copy of the Source Code of the Original Work along with each copy of the Original Work that Licensor distributes. Licensor reserves the right to satisfy this obligation by placing a machine-readable copy of the Source Code in an information repository reasonably calculated to permit inexpensive and convenient access by You for as long as Licensor continues to distribute the Original Work."

Edited by phrasespot (see edit history)
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  On 11/21/2012 at 4:12 PM, phrasespot said:

authorizeaim, autoupgrade, avalaratax, birthdaypresent, cashticket, criteo, dejala, dibs, ebay, ekomi, envoimoinscher, fedexcarrier, fianetfraud, fianetsceau, gadsense, ganalytics, gcheckout, hipay, iadvize, livezilla, mondialrelay, moneybookers, ogone, paypal, paysafecard, prestafraud, reverso, secuvad, shipwire, socolissimo, themeinstallator, tm4b, treepodia, trustedshops, twenga, upscarrier, uspscarrier

Well i think this modules continue be open source, just need install and automatically get in folder /modules


The general idea is great and PS now will grow faster with many people who provide solutions, i see at this time many files fixed in https://github.com/PrestaShop/1.5, congratulations.


Seizing the moment I comment that the "loyalty" module has an error, the option "Give points on discounted products" does't work, greetings.

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  On 11/21/2012 at 4:58 PM, sQs said:

Well i think this modules continue be open source, just need install and automatically get in folder /modules


That is not the point. What if I don't want to install PrestaShop but I want to see the modules' code to decide if PrestaShop is right for me. If it is distributed under the license it is being distributed now the code must be accessible by means other than having to install PrestaShop.

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  On 11/21/2012 at 5:05 PM, phrasespot said:

That is not the point. What if I don't want to install PrestaShop but I want to see the modules' code to decide if PrestaShop is right for me. If it is distributed under the license it is being distributed now the code must be accessible by means other than having to install PrestaShop.


So, the modules code will be pushed to Github I think. Be patient.


And if you want a full copy of an installed Prestashop, just ask it : you will be able to judge the tool with full source code.

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The modules are not included in the core of PrestaShop because we want to be able to update them without releasing a new version.

What's the point of developing modules if we are stuck we the releases anyway?


But they are free and open source anyway... and available on Github: https://github.com/P...staShop-modules

Please note that we won't accept all the pull requests on the modules linked to a brand. For example, you cannot do anything you want on the PayPal module, because PayPal owns the right on its logo, API, etc.



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  On 11/22/2012 at 8:16 AM, mexique1 said:

Wondering how this should be used..


Looks like the /modules repo uses sumodules, but how to "include" it in the main source tree ?


Are you going to use Git Submodules ? Is there going to be a build that "merges" everything ?


Thank you.


I don't think modules in PrestaShop-modules will be merged with PrestaShop master or development at any point.


Modules that come with default install zip file are the ones in the modules folder of the PrestaShop master. Modules in PrestaShop-modules master are not included in the distribution. Post PS install when you want to install one of those modules it is downloaded from a PS server (which should be the same as the last commit of PrestaShop-modules master)

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  On 11/22/2012 at 8:49 AM, phrasespot said:

I don't think modules in PrestaShop-modules will be merged with PrestaShop master or development at any point.


Modules that come with default install zip file are the ones in the modules folder of the PrestaShop master. Modules in PrestaShop-modules master are not included in the distribution. Post PS install when you want to install one of those modules it is downloaded from a PS server (which should be the same as the last commit of PrestaShop-modules master)


I think the included modules are the most used : there is no need to include all the modules offered in the modules tab in the regular ZIP file.

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  On 11/22/2012 at 8:50 AM, Samy_R said:

I think the included modules are the most used : there is no need to include all the modules offered in the modules tab in the regular ZIP file.

No one said otherwise. The lighter the install zip file the better it is. Though I disagree that separation is done on most used/less used.

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  On 11/22/2012 at 8:57 AM, phrasespot said:

No one said otherwise. The lighter the install zip file the better it is. Though I disagree that separation is done on most used/less used.


An other solution could be a customizable ZIP downloader (as jQuery and MooTools offer) : you select your profile, the modules you want to have, you eventually save the modules combination, and you download it :)

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Anyway, I think we need a build process, at least to transform our development branch into a ZIP file, usable by the end-user.

At least it should rename the install-dev and admin-dev folders.


Maybe I'm saying bullshit, and there is already something that does it, but I haven't seen it.


We could use Phing for that




What do you think ? How is it managed currently ?

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  On 11/22/2012 at 9:17 AM, mexique1 said:

Anyway, I think we need a build process, at least to transform our development branch into a ZIP file, usable by the end-user.


I prefer to use officially released packages as it does not lock the client to any one developer, and the audit trail will be there as long as the software exists. If merchant gets a new developer next year that developer will know exactly where that installed on the machine came from. But, now that a lot more of the development of others are viewable without direct collaboration, and one is certain to have access to ideas and contributions from people cleverer than oneself, I may reconsider that approach.


What do you think ? How is it managed currently ?


I would be surprised if there isn't an existing build script PS devs are using. If they do, may be a good place to start if you are going to start packaging your own distribution.

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Wouldn't git submodules be perfect for this?


Create a submodule for each of the Prestashop modules. I'd go as far as creating a repo for each Prestashop module, personally.


Then when using the main Prestashop repo, you could "git submodule init", and all of the submodules are pulled in and updated from their individual repositories.


This keeps the core Prestashop code, and each module seperate, while still having a native way to pull them all together.


This is how extensions work on Symphony CMS, where nearly everything is hosted on GitHub.

Edited by Mark Hesketh (see edit history)
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+1 Mark.


Having a repo per module seems overkill, but on the other side, it could help creating "specialized teams" on certain modules. Some people may know very well some modules and could be of great help.


Maybe some "big" modules (blocklayered for ex) should have a dedicated repo, and another "rest of the world" repo would contain the simple ones.


Git SubModules are definitely needed, for various things. Also maybe separate the installer ?

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We do have a script that transform our development version into a releasable version.

It does not only change the name of the install and admin folders, but also the values of some defines (PS_ODE_DEV...), generate the changelog, create a tag, generate the hash of all the files for the autoupgrade module, and so on.


We do not plan to separate PrestaShop repository in multiple smaller repositories. That would not be easy to manage.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I was trying to learn this system as I had never used at this point I might as well wait, I have found a lot of theme makes don't give clear instructions and the documentation for a beginner a bit lacking. Well of to serch for a solid platform for my customer.

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Not sure this is the right place to ask this question but until now I did not find anywhere else.


I fixed a bug in PS and I wanted to add this fix on github .... just a nightmare for someone who never played with it. Is there any documentation made by PS team to explain how things should be done for Prestashop? Any doc I have found was just giving links to general documentation. <_<


What I have done:

- fork the prestashop/Prestashop project (from my understanding, the forked one comes with the 2 branches right?)

- clone on windows (using the clone windows button)


Where should I do the modification in my local repository: development or master?

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  On 1/22/2013 at 2:05 PM, be_tnt said:
Hello! Not sure this is the right place to ask this question but until now I did not find anywhere else. I fixed a bug in PS and I wanted to add this fix on github .... just a nightmare for someone who never played with it. Is there any documentation made by PS team to explain how things should be done for Prestashop? Any doc I have found was just giving links to general documentation. <_< What I have done: - fork the prestashop/Prestashop project (from my understanding, the forked one comes with the 2 branches right?) - clone on windows (using the clone windows button) Where should I do the modification in my local repository: development or master?


Hi be_tnt, If the bug is in, then it should be fixed here. https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop


You can then navigate to the correct folder and file, select "Edit" , once you are finished editing the file you can click on the button "Propose File Change".


I think that will do the trick. Thank you for choosing PrestaShop!

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