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AddressFormat Problem

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i installed prestashop 1.5 and the combo for countries didnt showed up when adding accounts or addresses. So i went to Localization->Countries to check that address format had the field for Country:name. What i see then is that instead of having a Country:name what i have is Country? (ends with question mark).


All the fields i try to add with the format whatever:field is truncated at ':' and replaced by a ? in the database (it shows Country? and nothing else). If i go to the database and directly update with mysql cli the address with Country:name it accepts the : without problems. I checked for the codification of the xml files used at install time and they are in utf8. Apache is using utf8 by default. The database is not using utf8 everywhere but it's the same conf i've been using for other installs and anyway if i make a dump of the database, the dump contains a ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 for the table. And if i use the : char in any other input field it insert the : without problem.


So i dont know what else to do or to check, and i would like to have it fixed as i think that codification problem is the source of another problem. Any ideas?

Edited by chlgrupo (see edit history)
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