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I've tried so many hours to increase my website's speed but my head is against the wall right now. I dispersedly need your help :wacko:

This is what I did:


I've increased memory speed to 128M and in the back office I choose these options


Force compile: NO



Smart cache for CSS: Use CCC for CSS.

Smart cache for JavaScrip:Use CCC for JavaScript.

Minify HTML: Keep HTML as original

Compress inline JavaScript in: Compress inline JavaScript in HTML after "smarty compile" execution

High risk HTML compression: HTML is compressed but cancels the W3C validation (only when "Minify HTML" is enabled)


Use cache: enable

Caching system: file system

Directory depth: 1

I've generate new .htaccess file! as well


Also, there is a warning : "To use Memcached, you must install the Memcache PECL extension on your server.http://www.php.net/manual/en/memcache.installation.php", and I have no freaking Idea how to install this extension? Is there in command that I have to add to my PHP.ini ? I contact my host provider and they told me I have to contact prestashop, unfortunately nobody from prestashop get back to me in this regard..

my prestashop ver is PrestaShop™ and i didn't upgrade because of my theme, I'm not sure if it's compatible with new version or not. www.21avenue.com/ PHP 5.3, Host netfirms.com


Please rescue this newbie :( thank you so much

Edited by Kevin Hudson (see edit history)
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Sorry, missed the link to your site. This is what I would try if I were in your shoes. I would move up in hosting plans to something that offered 512 memory. Then I would run the site through google page speed and get my score increased to the mid 90's. It appears that you don't have your html minified, I would turn that on.


How long has your shop been open do you have very many customers or carts in the shop?

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Thanks for your replies guys, do you have any other suggestion for making it faster or could you guide me through installation of Memcache PECL extension ( I don't know if it gonna help me or not) . I made this website less than a week and I have 0 customer :D.

@ benjamin how can i reduce loading time?

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Hello Kevin, I would certainly first try DesignHaus42's suggestions. You can also contact your hosting provider and see if they have any server errors that may be causing the homepage to load slow. Overall, the site is not moving too slow once you get in. Maybe your hosting provider can do something like increasing your memory limit for free.

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Memory cache more than likely will not speed things up. Your host would have to install that for you. I would be inclined to think that your host has too many sites on the server and that is what is causing the slow down. Log into your cpanel, and look on the left bar, some companies have server stats their and some have disabled it. If they have not disabled it, look and see what the stats are. The cpu shouldn't really be over 8% at any given time.


Also, Prestashop comes with a lot of modules, anything that you are not using, I would disable. Personally, I have found the best gains from disabling all of the stats modules. If you run google analytics, you are basically off putting the server load of running stats to google.

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Thank you guys for your valuable Informations. Unfortunately my host provider (www.netfrims.com) sux, They told me they are not able to increase my memo limits more than 128m as they using share hosting crap. so I have to deal with it for one more year as I paid for a year.

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