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How can the customer download his invoice instead of see it?

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Hi there,


I would like know how can the customer download his invoices from his account in order-detail instead of see it. I prefer that the customer can download directly when he click in PDF how worked in PS 1.4


What is the url for donwload it directly?


best regards

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Since it is a pdf and most people have acrobat installed they will download. You can put a msg tellingthe person to right click on the pdf and click save as. Or you can write a php script that will make the file download.

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Yes, i need download it from history page (order-detail.tpl)

the link to modify is:

<a href="{$link->getPageLink('pdf-invoice', true)}?id_order={$order->id|intval}{if $is_guest}&secure_key={$order->secure_key}{/if}">{l s='Download your invoice as a PDF file'}</a>

best regards

Edited by seog (see edit history)
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This is just an off the cuff without testing it out, but it should put you on the right path.


Make a file called downloader.php, have this as the content

header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='+ $invoicenumber);
header('Content-type: application/pdf');


Then change your template code to something like


<a href="http:yoursite.com/downloader.php?invoicenumber={$link->getPageLink('pdf-invoice', true)}?id_order={$order->id|intval}{if $is_guest}&secure_key={$order->secure_key}{/if}">{l s='Download your invoice as a PDF file'}</a>

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Thanks for your code, I tested it but the file don´t work, I think the code {$link->getPageLink('pdf-invoice', true)} take the main domain (http://www.mywebsite.com/)


when i click then redirects to duplicate url:





best regards

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