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remove header and footer from specific pages

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Hey willcm,

Which version are you using?

You should be able to do it by placing a conditional "if" statement around the divs you want to hide, and then add something like this:

{if $page_name != 'authentication'}<div to be hidden.....</div>{/if}


This means the div will only be shown on pages that are not "authentication"



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Thanks Nemo, so if I want to remove the right column on product-list.tpl it's like this in footer.tpl?




{if $page_name != 'product-list'} <!-- Right --><div id="right_column" class="column grid_2 omega">{$HOOK_RIGHT_COLUMN}</div>{/if}


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Hi Nemo - Is there somewhere that lists all the page names? I just tried to dump the variables to get the name of the product page with this code and it gave an error:


 $myvar = $this->get_template_vars('var'); var_dump($myvar);


Or do you know the name of the product page?

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  • 3 years later...

It is depending from your template. Default one have  this in code if you check source 

<body id="cms" class="cms cms-4 cms-about-us">

so small modification of Nemo's code

.csm-4 #header {display:none}


.csm-about-us #header {display:none}

If you have multiple languages first one is safer I think.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 11 months later...

 found a way to exactly display a page without header and footer, perfect to put it in a popup like fancybox. you must add a get variable to the URL to display only the content.


so for this case of displaying the cart page only, here is the URL


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