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Cloud Flare Setup help needed

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I am trying to install couldflare for my website however I am having lot of issues, and cloudflare is not very helpful with any of the issues.


If someone can help me provide detailed step by step process to configure Cloud Flare for my website. Below are the details:

  1. My website is hosted on a VPS
  2. I have a EV SSL certificate installed on my website
  3. I am currently using 1.4.7V of PS however will be switching over to latest stable in a month or so.
  4. Not using media server however interested in doing it.
  5. I heard if a different domain / sub domain is used to host images and just use CDN on that domain. Details on how to setup this will be beneficial.
  6. if I use a second domain for images can I get away with using the free service without SSL for Cloudflare

Problems that I face while using Cloudflare are ..

  1. in BO i can't change to other page (shipping , orders, customer, etc. )
  2. it is most critical - after check out thru paypal customer see site offline message
  3. Also randomly at some part of the website they see the site offline message.

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