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[Help Needed] Image Slider is not working properly.

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There are many people who complained about the same. Some even wrote bug reports. But as I can see, there is no understanding of the bug from those who have the skills to correct it.


The problem is that Image Slider for Homepage works weird in Chrome (I use latest Chromium browser for Linux and it's the same). I cannot give you link, because it's on my localhost and server won't be always on. But I'm going to show...






The bug appears when slides change auto. When you pick one, it's almost ok, but you still see that the picture is not fully centered.

I pretty much like this module and I don't want to change it. But if I have to loose all Chrome users because of the bug, I probably will think again.

Edited by Enlightment (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Same thing here. Fine in IE but off by half an image in CHROME.


Anybody have any clue what is causing this?


There is a problem with the jquery animate method and chrome zoom. If you dont mind the transition effect, it works fine using fade mode. Change 'homeslider.js' (<prestashop-path>/modules/homeslider/js/homeslider.js):




mode: 'fade',

infiniteLoop: homeslider_loop,

hideControlOnEnd: true,

pager: true,

autoHover: true,

auto: homeslider_loop,

speed: homeslider_speed,

pause: homeslider_pause,

controls: false




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