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Upgraded to 1.5.2, switched to default theme but all is not good

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I upgraded to v1.5.2 and switched to default theme with the scope of redoing it all over but before I even started the theme was screwed!

  1. When viewing a product, the product image overlaps the description.
  2. The bottom gray bar is messed up (not sure if its a module)
  3. The "featured products on home page" module puts the products in a list
  4. The header logo is transparent YET has a white background

Website: http://shop.goldenrosemalta.com


Why is it so messed up ?


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Have you ever did any custom coding in old shop before coding?

Upgrade always never went good. You have to spent time to restore all things to older looks.

Possible reason about your shop is now in upgraded shop in modules some div names are changed.

So you will lost your design

You should compare files.

Hope it will help you.

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