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Image size limit

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I'm getting the following error when trying to upload a category image:

"image is too large (341.924KB). Maximum allowed: 300KB"

I have changed my .htaccess file, AdminTab.php and AdminProducts.php as recommended elsewhere on the forum but I'm still getting the message. Any ideas what might be happening? I know PrestaShop can handle larger files but I'm a bit lost at the moment as to how to do it,



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Hi maybe not what you want to hear, but there is no reason why an image should be that size, I would use something like photoshop or another package and reduce the file size of the image before uploading, otherwise people wont want to access your site because the download times will be crazy if one image alone is 300k. Think about the end user.

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Hehe! Thanks Floobynooby. Normally you'd be right and well spotted but I want to upload big images for this test site. Turns out my tweaking with the php ini worked anyhow, I just had to wait for a while until it kicked in,



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