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Mixed content of http and https - SSL not functioning right

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i upgarded to prestashop 1.2 and everything seems to be working fine at last except for the SSL.
I am getting mixed content messages.
I contacted my hosting company and they said:
"your website is considered unsecure because that you have insecure objects loaded in your site. Every link and image in your site are using HTTP not HTTPS protocol. Please fix your configuration that every page is processed via HTTPS not HTTP and this should resolve your problem."

How do I do this?
The funny thing is it worked perfectly well with the 1.1 version.
Does anyone know what to change to make it secure?

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It is either to release it now , or just patch the SSL relevent files only, it is all down to you how you want to get the fix in.
As for me, i am going to release it to a test server to make sure that nothing else is affected and all working, do some testing (partly regression) then patch it in to production.

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Thank you. How do I know which files to update? Sorry, may sound like a daft question but when you say release, you mean download the updated version? I already have the store running, I would just rather update some files than redo the whole thing....:(

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I have updated my site to the most recent beta version i think and still have this problem even though I have been right through and made sure there is no unsecure data.

When the unsecure data error appears and you select NOT to show unsecure data, nothing is missing.

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I have fixed my mixed content problem.

I was using statcounter scripts for tracking visitors etc. and it is calling unsecure data. Fixed by altering the code to https instead of http.

Have you tried using the default prestashop theme and see if the mixed content is still coming through?

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