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Strange Problem with Order Totals

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I've come across a problem in Prestashop's totaling of orders. In the past I was manually adjusting the shipping so that the total would balance with Prestashop (from my accounting package). Today I decided to remove the sales tax from the shipping and to my suprise, it doesn't match. My subtotal matches ($161.57) however, Prestashop says shipping with tax is 11.40 and concludes this means the total of the invoice to be $179.25.


I've attached the invoices so that you can see more clearly than by my description. In addition to the Prestashop and Simply Accounting receipts I've also attached a copy of the PayPal receipt. I thought this might lend some clarity to the problem. I could really use some help with this since if this thing is habitually miscalculating tax, that's a major issue.

Simply Accounting Invoice.pdf

Prestashop Invoice.pdf


Edited by bullywug (see edit history)
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