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Hooking Order Confirmation E-Mail


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Hi Prestashop-Forum,


I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Fabian. I'm new to Presta*. But not new to programming. I've in business now for several years. And have following question:


how would I hook into confirmation email, send to customers after successfully buying a product?

At http://doc.prestasho...+PrestaShop+1.5 I didn't found any apropriate Hook.

hookOrderConfirmation sounds good, but IMHO only works in http.

Is there another hook I can use?


I'm using Presta on Debian 6.0.5 and have fullaccess to the server.



Thank you



*I want to setup Presta as a portal for software-downloads. In detail the software-download will be free available. To run the software a license-key will be send by E-Mail to customers.

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you want to be able to add content to the order conf email? Or you just need to execute some arbitrary code after receiving a new order?


You can use newOrder hook for the latter. To include additional information in the order conf email would require an override to the PaymentModule class.

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Hi bellini,


thanks for your answer. Maybe I need booth solutions. Overriding PaymentModule to put the license-key into E-Mail and saving that license-key into database.


I'll have a look.


Can you tell me, where I can get some more information about newOrder-hook? e.g. which parameters it has.





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the hook used to be executed from within the PaymentModule validateOrder function. It appears to have been deprecated in v1.5. Instead there is a new hook called actionValidateOrder that is executed by the PaymentModule validateOrder function.


this hook is executed after the order is created, but before the email is sent.


               	 Hook::exec('actionValidateOrder', array(                       'cart' => $this->context->cart,                       'order' => $order,                       'customer' => $this->context->customer,                       'currency' => $this->context->currency,                       'orderStatus' => $order_status                   ));


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Alright. I'm finished. Using a hook was the wrong way, but you took me to right one, though.


I've overwrote method PaymentModuleCore::validateOrder with abstract class PaymentModule.


Here a only added a new entry to parameter $extra_vars. $extra_vars is used by Prestashops E-Mail-Engine and only stores values for E-Mail-Templates.

Therefor I've must edit the E-Mail Template, also. There are two possible locations. I've only needed to change first on.

Default is `_PS_MAIL_DIR_/$lang/order_conf.html'.

I guess the other one is this `$theme_path/modules/$module_name/mails/order_conf.html'. Don't know what values where in $theme_path and $module_name.


However. If you like to see, here is the Code for PaymentModule:


abstract class PaymentModule extends PaymentModuleCore
* Overrides Method validateOrder() (found in classes/PaymentModule.php).
* It is needed to generate PIN and put that PIN into Order-Confirmation E-Mail
* and stores PIN in Database.
* The E-Mail template (in my case ATM found at mails/$lang/order_conf.html, but may be found
* in templates mail-Folder) needs a new placeholder for that PIN. The value of that placeholder
* will be defined in parameter $extra_vars.
* Because validateOrder() is called by every Payment-Method itself there is AFAIK no common
* way to put extra values in parameter $extra_vars, except overriding validateOrder() aka
* this method.
public function validateOrder($id_cart, $id_order_state, $amount_paid, $payment_method = 'Unknown', $message = null, $extra_vars = array(), $currency_special = null, $dont_touch_amount = false, $secure_key = false, Shop $shop = null) {
  // Generate PIN
  $pin = ...;
  // Saving PIN in Database
  Db::getInstance()->insert('PIN_TABLE', array(
'pin' => $pin
  // Putting PIN into E-Mail
  $extra_vars['{MY_PIN_PLACEHOLDER}'] = $pin;

 return parent::validateOrder(
  $id_cart, $id_order_state, $amount_paid, $payment_method,
  $message, $extra_vars, $currency_special, $dont_touch_amount,
  $secure_key, $shop



// Fabian

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