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Whole Works Online Shop - Feedback Please!

Mr Whole Works

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Same, took forever to load but I'm also in the US... Also, why do you have an "add to cart" button on the category listing of shoes? It adds a pair to my cart that I'm assuming is your default combination for that product. You can have this removed by going to Preferences > Products and click on "No" for

Display "add to cart" button when product has attributes


Other than that the site looks great. Really nice theme and very professional looking

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Thanks for the comments and advice so far everybody.


I had a complete nightmare with the person I paid to do this site. I made the huige mistake of paying the person all the money for a job which he just could not handle. I did get some of my money back, but it has left we trying to figure many things out myself so I would very much appreciate as much advice on things I should change or add to the site.


What sort of thing should I be doing re the loading speed as it is slow even here in the UK?


Mr Whole Works

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I am wondering which module I can have that that intergrates my shop into my Facebook page so people can shop direct from Facebook. I was promised this by the person doing my site but as we have not stopped working together I am not sure what needs to be done in order for this to happen and if its a paid module or free?

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Looks good. The loading times weren't too bad, though the home page was noticeably slower. The file sizes for the images in the slider seem a bit on the high side (120kb for the first one) - perhaps optimising those would help. Other than that it looks and works great, good luck with the big launch!

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Loading time from Israel is just fine, your site looks great.


If I will add something to the site that will probably be social integration at product page (twit, like, gplus, pinterest) and also I will add facebook comment plugins.

it's not that hard to add those features even without coding skills.


Good job & Good luck

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