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Move Cross Selling & Products Category on Product Page

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This question has already been answered for other versions of Prestashop, however I cannot find any explanation as to how to fix this problem in Prestashop 1.5. To reiterate the problem, Prestashop, by default, places the Cross Selling module above the product description. In doing so, it clutters up the page pushing the product description off the page therefore meaning that customers could easily purchase a product thinking they've read the description (the short description) when in reality they've missed all the important points including safety concerns that are hidden by the cross selling module.

We would like to move the module beneath the product description if possible. I've read that I will need to edit the product.tpl file but without proper instructions for the version I'm using I have no idea what changes to make. Any advice would be appreciated.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi bullywug. I have done this by opening procuct.tpl, and moving this line:



If you paste this at the end of the file before the last closing {/if} you still have the benefits of the error checking system.


Hope this helps. I have plenty experience with building websites and using Smarty. Not so much with PrestaShop..

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