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Prestashop Vs Bigcommerce

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  • 2 months later...

I almost went with big commerce awhile back ago. Just looked like to me they where slow for bug fixes etc. For what it cost they should get on the ball quicker. I would say preastshop updates things quicker. But went into it knowing i would need to spend money on moduals to get the extras i need. which was cheaper. I am happy i went with this.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello Salonhaircare,


Bigcommerce is a hosted platform so you won't need to search for a hosting privider on your own like in case with Presta.

However in terms of functionality it is not that strong as Presta. The customization opportunities are quite limited. it also lack multi-store feature and i would say that it is a bit pricey.

Edited by FrankBring (see edit history)
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