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Do Weebly, Dreamhost and Prestashop mix?

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I work for a small non-profit and we wanted to add a page on our website where we can sell audio and video downloads, books, merchandise etc. The website: http://www.bootstrapseducation.org/


I built the website using Weebly and we currently host the site on DreamHost. I wanted to use Prestashop and integrate it into the website but I am not sure if that is possible.


I understand that I could take all of the information from the current site and put it into a whole new prestashop template and I could even switch hosting sites.


However my preferred way to go at the moment is to just create a page using the prestashop software where we could sell some things and integrate it in the weebly site I already have.


Is this possible?


Or is there a software that is still really good (and free) and is better suited for integration with weebly?


Thanks for any help. I am pretty new to all of this and have been put in a situation to learn as fast as I can and roll with it.



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Hey Michele! It doesn't seem like there's much info out there to be had on integrating a prestashop page with a weebly site, and I have not come across examples of it before, unfortunately. I was able to find a few other things that may be helpful though, especially with keeping weebly as the main framework:


The free, probably easiest way to go: http://help.weebly.c...merce--ads.html


These may work well, but are not free:




This service, I believe, exists to create integration solutions like the one you're looking for, and both weebly and prestashop are listed as available options there:




My final (and usual) suggestion would be to use weebly (or any software you decide on keeping) for your main site structure, at bootstrapseducation.org. Then from the Manage Domains page in our DreamHost web panel, create a sub-domain to be fully hosted, something like shop.bootstrapseducation.org for example. That sub-domain will have it's own directory to which you can install prestashop, or whichever e-commerce software you decide on using. Add a menu item on your weebly site to link to shop.bootstrapseducation.org from there of course, and that'd be that! It's a common suggestion mostly because some software integrations can get pretty messy; there is far less risk of breaking anything (especially if you're new to the software) when keeping the site directories separated for each CMS you'd like to install. :)


If there's anything on our end we can help with during an installation, just let us know from Support > Contact Support in your panel.

Edited by DreamHost-Sean (see edit history)
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