fraffro85 Posted October 30, 2012 Share Posted October 30, 2012 ragazzi il problema è che se cerco di creare un nuovo account non succede nulla. se inserisco una mail già esistente mi da l' errore un cui mi dice che esiste giò ... ma se clicco su "crea account" non va ... rimane tutto fermo. potete dirmi come posso recuperare questa funzionalità ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
massimino Posted October 30, 2012 Share Posted October 30, 2012 Ciao, potresti articolare meglio il problema? Lavori in locale o su un sito in produzione? Versione PS? Hai attivato il debug? Controllato con Firebug? Spesso sono piccoli problemi e si risolvono con poco... Almeno spero. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eugenata Posted October 30, 2012 Share Posted October 30, 2012 Ciao fraffro85, forse questo può esserti utile: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fraffro85 Posted October 30, 2012 Author Share Posted October 30, 2012 il problema me lo da sia in locale che in remoto ... la versione è la 1.5.1. Scusami ma non so come attivare il debug e non so cosa sia firebug :-D. ripeto, quando inserisco una mail per creare un nuovo account al cliccare su "crea account" non succede nulla ... manco un errore. praticamente niente. Al contrario il login sulla destra funziona correttamente. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
massimino Posted October 30, 2012 Share Posted October 30, 2012 Ok, la 1.5.1 è stupenda! Aggiornala alla 1.5.2 e riprova. Intanto ti chiedo: da back end riesci ad attivare nuovi utenti? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fraffro85 Posted October 31, 2012 Author Share Posted October 31, 2012 intendi creare nuovi profili e relativi permessi ? si certo ... ok aggiorno ma non è che mi sballa qualcosa sui template e le configurazioni che ho modificato ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eugenata Posted October 31, 2012 Share Posted October 31, 2012 fraffro85, hai provato a modificare il file authentication.tpl come indicato nel post che ti linkato? Ricordati che devi anche ricompilare, altrimenti non vedrai i cambiamenti in f.o. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fraffro85 Posted October 31, 2012 Author Share Posted October 31, 2012 ho provato certo a sostituire il file in questione ma niente ... se per ricompilare intendi aggiornare la pagina o riavviare il server, si ho fatto tutte queste operazioni ... help ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eugenata Posted October 31, 2012 Share Posted October 31, 2012 On 10/31/2012 at 8:13 AM, fraffro85 said: ... se per ricompilare intendi aggiornare la pagina o riavviare il server, si ho fatto tutte queste operazioni ... No per "ricompilare" si intende che devi andare in b.o. e attivare la ricompilazione dello smarty, poi aggiorni la pagina in f.o. e poi torni in b.o. e disabiliti di nuovo la compilazione dello smarty. L'impostazione per la ricompilazione in Ps 1.5 la trovi in: Parametri avanzati > Performance. Seleziona: Force compilation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
massimino Posted October 31, 2012 Share Posted October 31, 2012 Il punto è che stai lavorando su un software ad oggi molto giovane e ogni piccola problematica può dipendere da 1000 fattori, perciò si lavora per esclusione: la prima verifica è capire se il problema è mooooolto serio, ovvero se dipende da un problema di scrittura delle informazioni. Per questo motivo ti chiedevo di caricare un utente finto da back end. Riesce a crearlo? Se ti crea l'utente da B.O. cerchiamo da un'altra parte, però come prima cosa devi disattivare la cache come ti ha spiegato Eugenata altrimenti dal Font end non vedrai nessuna modifica. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fraffro85 Posted November 1, 2012 Author Share Posted November 1, 2012 l' utente customer riesco a crearlo dal BO e poi riesco ad eccedere dal login del FO. Fatto anche la ricompilazione dello smarty come detto da Eugenata ... ma niente. Vi dirò di più ... cosa molto strana. Spero di spiegarmi bene. Al primo caricamento della pagina di autenticazione se inserisco direttamente sei dati ancora inesistenti nel form di login ... allora procede con la creazione dell' account ... quindi comunque il meccanismo funziona ... ma sul form login ... :-D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eugenata Posted November 1, 2012 Share Posted November 1, 2012 Te lo fa con qualsiasi browser? Posta il tuo file authentication.tpl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fraffro85 Posted November 3, 2012 Author Share Posted November 3, 2012 No non va con nessun browser ... ecco il file authentication.tpl {capture name=path}{l s='Login'}{/capture} <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ idSelectedCountry = {if isset($}{$|intval}{else}false{/if}; countries = new Array(); countriesNeedIDNumber = new Array(); countriesNeedZipCode = new Array(); {if isset($countries)} {foreach from=$countries item='country'} {if isset($country.states) && $country.contains_states} countries[{$country.id_country|intval}] = new Array(); {foreach from=$country.states item='state' name='states'} countries[{$country.id_country|intval}].push({ldelim}'id' : '{$state.id_state|intval}', 'name' : '{$|addslashes}'{rdelim}); {/foreach} {/if} {if $country.need_identification_number} countriesNeedIDNumber.push({$country.id_country|intval}); {/if} {if isset($country.need_zip_code)} countriesNeedZipCode[{$country.id_country|intval}] = {$country.need_zip_code}; {/if} {/foreach} {/if} $(function(){ldelim} $('.id_state option[value={if isset($}{$|intval}{else}{if isset($address)}{$address->id_state|intval}{/if}{/if}]').attr('selected', true); {rdelim}); //]]> {if $vat_management} {literal} $(document).ready(function() { $('#company').blur(function(){ vat_number(); }); vat_number(); function vat_number() { if ($('#company').val() != '') $('#vat_number').show(); else $('#vat_number').hide(); } }); {/literal} {/if} </script> <h1>{if !isset($email_create)}{l s='Log in'}{else}{l s='Create your account'}{/if}</h1> <div class="error" id="create_account_error" style="display:none"></div> {include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"} {assign var='stateExist' value=false} {if !isset($email_create)} <script type="text/javascript"> {literal} $(document).ready(function(){ $('#create-account_form').submit(function(){ submitFunction(); return false; }); $('#SubmitCreate').click(function(){ submitFunction(); }); }); function submitFunction() { $('#create_account_error').html('').hide(); //send the ajax request to the server $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: baseUri, async: true, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: { controller: 'authentication', SubmitCreate: 1, ajax: true, email_create: $('#email_create').val(), token: token }, success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.hasError) { var errors = ''; for(error in jsonData.errors) //IE6 bug fix if(error != 'indexOf') errors += '<li>'+jsonData.errors[error]+'</li>'; $('#create_account_error').html('<ol>'+errors+'</ol>').show(); } else { // adding a div to display a transition $('#center_column').html('<div id="noSlide">'+$('#center_column').html()+'</div>'); $('#noSlide').fadeOut('slow', function(){ $('#noSlide').html(; // update the state (when this file is called from AJAX you still need to update the state) updateState(); }); $('#noSlide').fadeIn('slow'); document.location = '#account-creation'; } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to load form.\n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus); } }); } {/literal} </script> <!--{if isset($authentification_error)} <div class="error"> {if {$authentification_error|@count} == 1} <p>{l s='There is one error'} :</p> {else} <p>{l s='There are %s errors' sprintf=[$account_error|@count]} :</p> {/if} <ol> {foreach from=$authentification_error item=v} <li>{$v}</li> {/foreach} </ol> </div> {/if}--> <form action="{$link->getPageLink('authentication', true)}" method="post" id="create-account_form" class="std"> <fieldset> <h3>{l s='Create your account'}</h3> <div class="form_content clearfix"> <h4>{l s='Enter your e-mail address to create an account'}.</h4> <p class="text"> <label for="email_create">{l s='E-mail address'}</label> <span><input type="text" id="email_create" name="email_create" value="{if isset($}{$|stripslashes}{/if}" class="account_input" /></span> </p> <p class="submit"> {if isset($back)}<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="back" value="{$back|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" />{/if} <input type="button" id="SubmitCreate" name="SubmitCreate" class="button_large" value="{l s='Create your account'}" /> <input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="SubmitCreate" value="{l s='Create your account'}" /> </p> </div> </fieldset> </form> <form action="{$link->getPageLink('authentication', true)}" method="post" id="login_form" class="std"> <fieldset> <h3>{l s='Already registered?'}</h3> <div class="form_content clearfix"> <p class="text"> <label for="email">{l s='E-mail address'}</label> <span><input type="text" id="email" name="email" value="{if isset($}{$|stripslashes}{/if}" class="account_input" /></span> </p> <p class="text"> <label for="passwd">{l s='Password'}</label> <span><input type="password" id="passwd" name="passwd" value="{if isset($}{$|stripslashes}{/if}" class="account_input" /></span> </p> <p class="lost_password"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('password')}">{l s='Forgot your password?'}</a></p> <p class="submit"> {if isset($back)}<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="back" value="{$back|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" />{/if} <input type="submit" id="SubmitLogin" name="SubmitLogin" class="button" value="{l s='Log in'}" /> </p> </div> </fieldset> </form> {if isset($inOrderProcess) && $inOrderProcess && $PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED} <form action="{$link->getPageLink('authentication', true, NULL, "back=$back")}" method="post" id="new_account_form" class="std clearfix"> <fieldset> <h3>{l s='Instant Checkout'}</h3> <div id="opc_account_form" style="display: block; "> <!-- Account --> <p class="required text"> <label for="guest_email">{l s='E-mail address'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" id="guest_email" name="guest_email" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}"> </p> <p class="radio required"> <span>{l s='Title'}</span> {foreach from=$genders key=k item=gender} <input type="radio" name="id_gender" id="id_gender{$gender->id}" value="{$gender->id}" {if isset($ && $ == $gender->id}checked="checked"{/if} /> <label for="id_gender{$gender->id}" class="top">{$gender->name}</label> {/foreach} </p> <p class="required text"> <label for="firstname">{l s='First name'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" onblur="$('#customer_firstname').val($(this).val());" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}"> <input type="hidden" class="text" id="customer_firstname" name="customer_firstname" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}"> </p> <p class="required text"> <label for="lastname">{l s='Last name'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" id="lastname" name="lastname" onblur="$('#customer_lastname').val($(this).val());" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}"> <input type="hidden" class="text" id="customer_lastname" name="customer_lastname" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}"> </p> <p class="select"> <span>{l s='Date of Birth'}</span> <select id="days" name="days"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$days item=day} <option value="{$day}" {if ($sl_day == $day)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$day} </option> {/foreach} </select> {* {l s='January'} {l s='February'} {l s='March'} {l s='April'} {l s='May'} {l s='June'} {l s='July'} {l s='August'} {l s='September'} {l s='October'} {l s='November'} {l s='December'} *} <select id="months" name="months"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$months key=k item=month} <option value="{$k}" {if ($sl_month == $k)} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s=$month} </option> {/foreach} </select> <select id="years" name="years"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$years item=year} <option value="{$year}" {if ($sl_year == $year)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$year} </option> {/foreach} </select> </p> {if isset($newsletter) && $newsletter} <p class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" id="newsletter" value="1" {if isset($ && $ == '1'}checked="checked"{/if}> <label for="newsletter">{l s='Sign up for our newsletter'}</label> </p> <p class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="optin" id="optin" value="1" {if isset($ && $ == '1'}checked="checked"{/if}> <label for="optin">{l s='Receive special offers from our partners'}</label> </p> {/if} <h3>{l s='Delivery address'}</h3> {foreach from=$dlv_all_fields item=field_name} {if $field_name eq "company"} <p class="text"> <label for="company">{l s='Company'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" id="company" name="company" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "vat_number"} <div id="vat_number" style="display:none;"> <p class="text"> <label for="vat_number">{l s='VAT number'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" name="vat_number" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> </div> {elseif $field_name eq "address1"} <p class="required text"> <label for="address1">{l s='Address'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" name="address1" id="address1" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}"> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "postcode"} <p class="required postcode text"> <label for="postcode">{l s='Zip / Postal Code'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" name="postcode" id="postcode" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" onblur="$('#postcode').val($('#postcode').val().toUpperCase());"> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "city"} <p class="required text"> <label for="city">{l s='City'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" name="city" id="city" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}"> </p> <!-- if customer hasn't update his layout address, country has to be verified but it's deprecated --> {elseif $field_name eq "Country:name" || $field_name eq "country"} <p class="required select"> <label for="id_country">{l s='Country'} <sup>*</sup></label> <select name="id_country" id="id_country"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$countries item=v} <option value="{$v.id_country}" {if ($sl_country == $v.id_country)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$}</option> {/foreach} </select> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "State:name"} {assign var='stateExist' value=true} <p class="required id_state select"> <label for="id_state">{l s='State'} <sup>*</sup></label> <select name="id_state" id="id_state"> <option value="">-</option> </select> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "phone"} <p class="required text"> <label for="phone">{l s='Phone'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" name="phone" id="phone" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}"> </p> {/if} {/foreach} {if $stateExist eq false} <p class="required id_state select"> <label for="id_state">{l s='State'} <sup>*</sup></label> <select name="id_state" id="id_state"> <option value="">-</option> </select> </p> {/if} <input type="hidden" name="alias" id="alias" value="{l s='My address'}"> <input type="hidden" name="is_new_customer" id="is_new_customer" value="0"> <!-- END Account --> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset class="account_creation dni"> <h3>{l s='Tax identification'}</h3> <p class="required text"> <label for="dni">{l s='Identification number'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" name="dni" id="dni" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> <span class="form_info">{l s='DNI / NIF / NIE'}</span> </p> </fieldset> <p class="cart_navigation required submit"> <span><sup>*</sup>{l s='Required field'}</span> <input type="submit" class="exclusive" name="submitGuestAccount" id="submitGuestAccount" value="{l s='Continue'}"> </p> </form> {/if} {else} <!--{if isset($account_error)} <div class="error"> {if {$account_error|@count} == 1} <p>{l s='There is one error'} :</p> {else} <p>{l s='There are %s errors' sprintf=[$account_error|@count]} :</p> {/if} <ol> {foreach from=$account_error item=v} <li>{$v}</li> {/foreach} </ol> </div> {/if}--> <form action="{$link->getPageLink('authentication', true)}" method="post" id="account-creation_form" class="std"> {$HOOK_CREATE_ACCOUNT_TOP} <fieldset class="account_creation"> <h3>{l s='Your personal information'}</h3> <p class="radio required"> <span>{l s='Title'}</span> {foreach from=$genders key=k item=gender} <input type="radio" name="id_gender" id="id_gender{$gender->id}" value="{$gender->id}" {if isset($ && $ == $gender->id}checked="checked"{/if} /> <label for="id_gender{$gender->id}" class="top">{$gender->name}</label> {/foreach} </p> <p class="required text"> <label for="customer_firstname">{l s='First name'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input onkeyup="$('#firstname').val(this.value);" type="text" class="text" id="customer_firstname" name="customer_firstname" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> <p class="required text"> <label for="customer_lastname">{l s='Last name'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input onkeyup="$('#lastname').val(this.value);" type="text" class="text" id="customer_lastname" name="customer_lastname" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> <p class="required text"> <label for="email">{l s='E-mail'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" id="email" name="email" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> <p class="required password"> <label for="passwd">{l s='Password'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="password" class="text" name="passwd" id="passwd" /> <span class="form_info">{l s='(5 characters min.)'}</span> </p> <p class="select"> <span>{l s='Date of Birth'}</span> <select id="days" name="days"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$days item=day} <option value="{$day}" {if ($sl_day == $day)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$day} </option> {/foreach} </select> {* {l s='January'} {l s='February'} {l s='March'} {l s='April'} {l s='May'} {l s='June'} {l s='July'} {l s='August'} {l s='September'} {l s='October'} {l s='November'} {l s='December'} *} <select id="months" name="months"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$months key=k item=month} <option value="{$k}" {if ($sl_month == $k)} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s=$month} </option> {/foreach} </select> <select id="years" name="years"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$years item=year} <option value="{$year}" {if ($sl_year == $year)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$year} </option> {/foreach} </select> </p> {if $newsletter} <p class="checkbox" > <input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" id="newsletter" value="1" {if isset($ AND $ == 1} checked="checked"{/if} /> <label for="newsletter">{l s='Sign up for our newsletter'}</label> </p> <p class="checkbox" > <input type="checkbox"name="optin" id="optin" value="1" {if isset($ AND $ == 1} checked="checked"{/if} /> <label for="optin">{l s='Receive special offers from our partners'}</label> </p> {/if} </fieldset> {if $b2b_enable} <fieldset class="account_creation"> <h3>{l s='Your company information'}</h3> <p class="text"> <label for="">{l s='Company'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" id="company" name="company" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> <p class="text"> <label for="siret">{l s='SIRET'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" id="siret" name="siret" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> <p class="text"> <label for="ape">{l s='APE'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" id="ape" name="ape" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> <p class="text"> <label for="website">{l s='Website'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" id="website" name="website" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> </fieldset> {/if} {if isset($PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE) && $PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE} <fieldset class="account_creation"> <h3>{l s='Your address'}</h3> {foreach from=$dlv_all_fields item=field_name} {if $field_name eq "company"} <p class="text"> <label for="company">{l s='Company'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" id="company" name="company" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "vat_number"} <div id="vat_number" style="display:none;"> <p class="text"> <label for="vat_number">{l s='VAT number'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" name="vat_number" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> </div> {elseif $field_name eq "firstname"} <p class="required text"> <label for="firstname">{l s='First name'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "lastname"} <p class="required text"> <label for="lastname">{l s='Last name'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" id="lastname" name="lastname" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "address1"} <p class="required text"> <label for="address1">{l s='Address'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" name="address1" id="address1" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> <span class="inline-infos">{l s='Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o'}</span> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "address2"} <p class="text"> <label for="address2">{l s='Address (Line 2)'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" name="address2" id="address2" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> <span class="inline-infos">{l s='Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.'}</span> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "postcode"} <p class="required postcode text"> <label for="postcode">{l s='Zip / Postal Code'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" name="postcode" id="postcode" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" onkeyup="$('#postcode').val($('#postcode').val().toUpperCase());" /> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "city"} <p class="required text"> <label for="city">{l s='City'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" name="city" id="city" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> <!-- if customer hasn't update his layout address, country has to be verified but it's deprecated --> {elseif $field_name eq "Country:name" || $field_name eq "country"} <p class="required select"> <label for="id_country">{l s='Country'} <sup>*</sup></label> <select name="id_country" id="id_country"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$countries item=v} <option value="{$v.id_country}" {if ($sl_country == $v.id_country)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$}</option> {/foreach} </select> </p> {elseif $field_name eq "State:name" || $field_name eq 'state'} {assign var='stateExist' value=true} <p class="required id_state select"> <label for="id_state">{l s='State'} <sup>*</sup></label> <select name="id_state" id="id_state"> <option value="">-</option> </select> </p> {/if} {/foreach} {if $stateExist eq false} <p class="required id_state select"> <label for="id_state">{l s='State'} <sup>*</sup></label> <select name="id_state" id="id_state"> <option value="">-</option> </select> </p> {/if} <p class="textarea"> <label for="other">{l s='Additional information'}</label> <textarea name="other" id="other" cols="26" rows="3">{if isset($}{$}{/if}</textarea> </p> <p class="inline-infos">{l s='You must register at least one phone number'}</p> <p class="text"> <label for="phone">{l s='Home phone'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" name="phone" id="phone" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> <p class="text"> <label for="phone_mobile">{l s='Mobile phone'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" name="phone_mobile" id="phone_mobile" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> </p> <p class="required text" id="address_alias"> <label for="alias">{l s='Assign an address alias for future reference'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" name="alias" id="alias" value="{if isset($}{$}{else}{l s='My address'}{/if}" /> </p> </fieldset> <fieldset class="account_creation dni"> <h3>{l s='Tax identification'}</h3> <p class="required text"> <label for="dni">{l s='Identification number'}</label> <input type="text" class="text" name="dni" id="dni" value="{if isset($}{$}{/if}" /> <span class="form_info">{l s='DNI / NIF / NIE'}</span> </p> </fieldset> {/if} {$HOOK_CREATE_ACCOUNT_FORM} <p class="cart_navigation required submit"> <input type="hidden" name="email_create" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="is_new_customer" value="1" /> {if isset($back)}<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="back" value="{$back|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" />{/if} <input type="submit" name="submitAccount" id="submitAccount" value="{l s='Register'}" class="exclusive" /> <span><sup>*</sup>{l s='Required field'}</span> </p> </form> {/if} Link to comment Share on other sites More 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eugenata Posted November 3, 2012 Share Posted November 3, 2012 Bene, non hai eseguito la modifica che avevo segnalato, ovvero sostituire <input type="button" id="SubmitCreate... con <input type="submit" id="SubmitCreate... Prova a farlo e poi ricompila. Non ho altri suggerimenti. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fraffro85 Posted November 4, 2012 Author Share Posted November 4, 2012 niente. ma non capisco perchè me lo fa creare dal box "login" ... mah Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Patrick T. Posted June 4, 2013 Share Posted June 4, 2013 Ciao Francesco, non so se è troppo tardi per una risposta, stai usando il tema di default? Altrimenti devi modificare // adding a div to display a transition $('#center_column').html('<div id="noSlide">'+$('#center_column').html()+'</div>'); nel codice javascript all'inizio del file,sostituendo #center_column con l'id della colonna in cui dovrebbe essere presente il form per la registrazione Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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