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"The page isn't redirecting properly" error on my PrestaShop e-commerce page

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I installed Prestashop 1.5.2 on my webserver, but I can`t open my frontside.

During the installation, everything worked well and when I tried to open my frontside, I got the next error in Firefox:


"Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."


Also, the authetification page is giving the next error:





Details: Error thrown: [object Object]


Text status: parsererror





Do you know what is this about?



Thank you in advance!


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sorry i didn't undertand what they are saying...

please be patient just for once can you tell me which file to edit and add the line?


the main problem is with missing files. read last posts from topic.

my suggestion: go to Advanced parameters tab -> configuration informations and scroll page to bottom.You've got there " List of changed files", you can find there information about missed files

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That sure is the problem.. i can't access the admin page and the front site.


when i try tp access the admin page, the url turn something like this http://www.domain.com//psadmin/

notice to double slash there.


even when i typed it correctly on the address bar http://www.domain.com/psadmin/

Edited by garfish (see edit history)
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That sure is the problem.. i can't access the admin page and the front site.


when i try tp access the admin page, the url turn something like this http://www.domain.com//psadmin/

notice to double slash there.


even when i typed it correctly on the address bar http://www.domain.com/psadmin/



ahh sure, you're right. you can't login to prestashop admin :|

have you an access to phpmyadmin?

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okok...I was accessing now bredefisk.dk/config/config.inc.php and it displayed the next warning:


PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\wwwroot\452-xxi1xYdu\sites\bredefisk.dk\classes\shop\Shop.php on line 337


Do you know how to solve this?


code from Shop.php, lines 335-351:


if ($id_shop && !$is_main_uri)


foreach ($results as $row)


if ($row['id_shop'] == $id_shop && $row['main'])


// extract url parameters

$request_uri = substr($request_uri, strlen($found_uri));

$url = str_replace('//', '/', $row['domain'].$row['uri'].$request_uri);

header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');

header('Cache-Control: no-cache');

header('location: http://'.$url);






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incase anyone encounter same problem and maybe you installed your shop using simple scripts and end up landing this page because of

The page isn't redirecting properly error



try to add these to your php.ini file


; Disable PHP register globals
register_globals = Off
; Disable PHP magic quotes
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off



it solved my issue.

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On 1/9/2019 at 11:30 AM, aum108 said:

I encountered similar problems... with prestashop 1.7.x
This could be an issue related to available space / processing power in web server. 

Hope this helps.

Sry how did u solve it? i got same problem..only on some sections of my BO i'm having "err_too_many_redirects" and i really dont know what to do

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