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PS 1.4 VS 1.5 - Which do I choose?

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Hello, we are working hard to make all of our Modules compatible with version 1.5. All of our Community Developers are doing the same. PrestaShop version 1.5.2 has made serious improvements and we are continuing to make 1.5 better day by day. Also, if you would like to use MultiStore feature then you would have to use PresatShop 1.5. At some point it is strongly advised that any 1.4x shop upgrades to 1.5.

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Hello, we are working hard to make all of our Modules compatible with version 1.5. All of our Community Developers are doing the same. PrestaShop version 1.5.2 has made serious improvements and we are continuing to make 1.5 better day by day. Also, if you would like to use MultiStore feature then you would have to use PresatShop 1.5. At some point it is strongly advised that any 1.4x shop upgrades to 1.5.



We upgraded from 1.4.6 to 1.5.1 and it was a disaster from us, Note that we have been using the 146 flawlessly.


We respect your effort but we still dont think 1.5 is stable as it has a major seo url issue

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Setting up a small jewelry store with about 75 products total.

Which version should I go for?


We respect your effort but we still dont think 1.5 is stable as


I agree with this 100%. If you just want to experiment, use 1.5. You have only 75 products after all; you can always start again. But if you intend to install and start selling then 1.5 is a long way away from stable, multistore or otherwise. You will spend more time fixing issues than selling stuff, so I would use 1.4.

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