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Problem with css

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I've found something noying in my shop. I've made my own module with some html structure.


After editing on my localhost I've uploaded it to the real server, but there some mistake happened.

I don't know why but I cannot force PS to show some my pictures as BG for div's. The css code is absolutely right:


 background:url("../img/Show_bg.png") no-repeat scroll transparent;
 margin-left: 75px;
 margin-top: 10px;
 overflow: hidden;
 border: medium none;
 cursor: pointer;


Throw Firebug I know he assigned the styles properly, only when I try to show it my moving cursor over this attribute, it show me that it couldn't load the URL. And even if I try to see this picture directly, it shows me, that this picture has some mistakes (blank page with error message, not the 404). Where could be the problem?



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  • 5 weeks later...

Sometimes web browsers and web services are case sensitive, try to change the Show_bg.png in:


 background:url("../img/Show_bg.png") no-repeat scroll transparent;


to show_bg.png


 background:url("../img/show_bg.png") no-repeat scroll transparent;

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