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How can I show two different prices for a product?

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Hello everybody,


I'm new to Prestashop, I've studied the documentation, localised my shop to my language, but until now didn't find the solution to the following issue:


I am using Prestashop

I want to show for each product two different prices, like in the following example:

- 120 Lei - Catalog Price

- 100 Lei - Club members Price


So I need both prices (including the explanation of who can benefit from that price) showed below the product description everywhere the product is viewed.

The club members I speak of have an unique ID as members of the club. I wonder if there's a solution to:

- add a Club member registration form for the users that want to benefit from the discounted price

- add a checkbox in the process of shopping where the customer can say if he/she is a Club member, and if yes to introduce the Club member ID to validate that.


I saw that I can define reduced prices for products for different groups, but how can I make those prices visible, keeping also the defaul price visible and having the short explanation for each price displayed?


Thank you very much.

All the best.



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