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multible question

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Hi @ all,


I just installed this software because I'm looking for an ecommerz solution that fits to our needs and of course I have some questions.


I need to add one more fields that are visible as a menu like categories and manufacturers

This field will be for the scale of our items. Can I rename the field "Suppliers" in scale, this would be a solution for me


Restrict search

The menu I have in vision features Categories, Manufactures and Scale.


Short example (we deal with Model railroad items):

one of our vendor has listed over 120.000 items from over 400 manufacturers in different scales. Each item has there own product number. In order to make customers find the item what they looking for in a fast way is to narrow the search in three steps.


Step one:

Choose the Scale - will narrow the items available to around 20.000


Step two:

Choose Manufacturer - will narrow the available items to around 1.000


Step three:

Choose Categorie - will narrow the search to maybe 100


It should not matter in what order the customer restrict this search.

Can I get this to work with this software?


In the search field I should be able to look up directly for the product code or to search the item description (what I assume will work out of the box when I add the items or do I have to import this information also in a specific field)?!


Another Problem is that price, availability, discounts etc. are changing on a weekly basis so I need to be able to import a csv-file to make changes really easy to maintain. One Problem that I encountered is that when I try to import my csv-file that the website freeze and nothing is added. Is there a restriction (file size is at this time 12MB?


We have around 80.000 product pictures that are named to the product order number. The easiest way would be upload it all to one directory. Is it possible to tell the software to look for the right picture in this specific folder and use the product code as picture name (jpg & gif)?


Order in Advance - this feature we also have to add because some items are announced but will only be made by specific manufacturer if there are enouth orders comming in. This will be not charged until it is available, same with backorders, they should also not charged until there are ready to ship. We also like to keep discontinued items for information purpose but should not be able to order. Any Ideas how this can be configured?


I know that are a lot of questions but it makes no sense to mess around with a software an spend hours of time if this is not even possible to do.

It would be nice if someone can help me out here.


Thanks in advanche



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Unfortunately for you what you have done is a) against forum rules and b ) a good way to get your post ignored by most. Asking a bunch of questions in a single post is not a good idea.


At any rate, we have a paid module that will allow you to easily accomplish your main point about restricting search results.


Read more about it here



Regarding your next item; viz. quick search -- once you add your items you will need to build your search index. There are several parameters you can set to aid in what you want to do.


Marty Shue

Edited by Carolina Custom Designs (see edit history)
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