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[SOLVED] Customers invoices contains items which have not been ordered !

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Thank you Benjamin for your reply !


Yes i have turned on error reporting in my config.inc file.

I have made again an order test, the result is the same, and no errors report.

On my orders page (in my account) i see order details with an extra product wich i didn't ordered. Curiously, the extra product value, is not addicted to total price, but in my invoice the price is consisted by both values of the products, and is not correct.

I don't understand where i did wrong !

Any idea ?


I have attached the order details in my BO, for better understanding.




Edited by fishingnet (see edit history)
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Did you have test orders on the site before and deleted them?

It looks like that was the case, and you did not delete them properly.


If the table ps_order_detail has records for id_order which does not exist yet, it means that when you cleared the ps_orders table, you did not clear all the other related tables.

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Yes, i have made order tests before i activated the site (two weeks ago)..

I deleted this orders using a free module named "delete orders v1.1 by RSI".

It looks like the module is not functioning properly and doesn't delete the related tables?

What should i do now ?

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1) Create a backup of your DB

2) Delete every record from any table that contains id_order column, when id_order is greater than 14 (or the current last order id that was placed).

3) Manually go through ps_order_detail and delete products that were not a part of the order (you can compare them to the carts from those orders,a s they will not have the extra products).

4) Contact RSI and let them know about this bug

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It works ! :D :D :D

Many thanks ! You are a GOD !!!!!!

I found in my database the products i used to make the order tests before i activated my shop.

I have cleaned all entries containing these products in all tables that contains id_order column, also in all tables that starts with ps_cart.

I have made again a new order test and all is functioning properly. These products are not shown in the order details and invoice.

Now i will write to RSI for let him know about this bug.

Thank you again !

Edited by fishingnet (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello !


First of all, please apologize for my english !


Let's start:

- Backup your database.

- in your phpMyAdmin, select your database.

- in your left column, select the table named ps_order_detail.

- on the right side of the screen appears a sum of information about orders placed in your store.

- in the column with product names, identify the products witch are added to the invoices, and are not ordered.

- in the column named id_order you find a number that corresponds with this products. Remember this numbers.

- Delete the rows containing this numbers.

- Then, go to left column again and select one by one, all tables starting with ps_order, includind the first one named ps_orders.

- In these tables, repeat the steps i mentioned before.

Then, be sure that you did not installed before, a wrong module for deleting orders.

You are done !

I hope this will solve your problem. It worked for me !

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