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No pictures with viewed products block

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Hi Benjamin!


Here is my page (still in progress) http://nakumoto.com/store/index.php


- Yesterday the VIEWED PRODUCTS block was on the right side on the top. OK!

- In the evening I noticed the block was gone (logged or no logged on the site).

- I disable/enable the block - nothing. Uninstall/install - nothing.

- When I go to RUN LIVE EDIT I can't move the block on the right side or in the center of the page. Only on the left side up/down (picture below).



- If I change the position (modules) top left/bottom right/... - nothing.


As you can see there are also no images/thumbnails in this block.

I also run Regenerate thumbnails - nothing.


What am I doing wrong?



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same problem here... empty images instead of product pictures.


website it rpmstore.com.br (a work in progress), if you browse a few products you will notice they appear w.o their images in the viewed products block.


check please this thread: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/248364-solved-viewed-products-thumbnails-do-not-display/page__p__1248400__hl__block%20viewed__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=1248400


and follow steps mentioned there


let us know if this works for you, or not

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