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Cannot add new field

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I am trying to add a new field in PrestaShop registration, but I was not able to get data from my newly created table. Here's a summary of what I already did:


1) In authentication.tpl I added:

<p class="select required">
  <span>{l s='Account Type'}</span>
					<select id="accountType" name="accountType">
<option value="">-</option>
{foreach from=$accountTypes item=accountType}
 <option value="{$accountType->product_percentage}" >{$accountType->product_percentage}  </option>


2) Added the line

$this->context->smarty->assign('accountTypes', AccountType::getAccountTypes());

in AuthController.php, wherein AccountType::getAccountTypes() returns the content of my table.


3) In smarty debug window, the value of $accountTypes is:

$accountTypes  Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = Array (2)
 0 => Array (7)
id_account_type => "1"
allowed_store => "1"
allowed_product => "25"
downpayment => "0.00"
month_payment_interval => "1"
fixed_recurring_fee => "0.00"
product_percentage => "2.00"
 1 => Array (7)
id_account_type => "2"
allowed_store => "3"
allowed_product => "100"
downpayment => "0.00"
month_payment_interval => "1"
fixed_recurring_fee => "1250.00"
product_percentage => "0.00"
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"


So there. I am expecting that the field will have values in the HTML, but no record was appearing (post-414607-0-25013200-1351180502_thumb.jpg)


Any tip on where to look at?


I am using version

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