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How to view Cross Selling

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I am testing PS 1.5.1 with default theme. I have added around 20 products. How can I edit the db to add products so that they appear in the cross selling module?


I understand that cross selling basically shows similar products sold when viewing a product.

Right now it displays nothing as nothing is sold.


I know hardway is to create customers, and execute orders but I am sure this can be done directly through DB.


Any help?

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If you check crossselling.php in modules/crossselling/ you will see code that pulls data from database.

Tables orders and order_detail are mentioned there and some other so you can try to add data directly to them.

But I think that is hard way, and that is easier to add 2-3 test customers and make 4-5 quick

orders. You will need those test customers for some other testing, like maybe different customers groups.

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