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Can't create new products, Name ghosted? (SOLVED)

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Maybe it is just me. Im new on version 1.5.1, but have experience in earlier versions without problems.


When I try to create a new product theres promt a warning saying: "Product name is empty. You need to enter a name at least for the default language before you can save the product."


But the Product Name field is ghosted and I'm nor allowes to type in text here???



What could be the problem here ???

Edited by Alex_Hansen (see edit history)
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SOLVED: I have done two things, and I do not know which of them was the deciding factor, but here they are:

First I deleted the entire version 1.5.1 again and installed instead latest version 1.5.2


Second I found out that getting knocked MagicQuotes on my server.

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