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To MultiStore or Not?

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Hi there,


I have an existing live prestashop running but i am considering creating another new online shop selling totally different products on a different domain name.


I know with prestashop 1.5 you have the option of using multi stores, should i head down this route and use one install of PS for both shops?


One possible advantage i could think of is that i will want to use similar addons to my existing site (payment processing, shipping integration etc), I assume i wouldnt need to buy new addons for the multi store?


Any information or guidance would be really appreciated.





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Hello Paul, thank you for the message. I would definitely suggest for you to try it. However, I would suggest that you use a test domain and website first so you don't lose any downtime. You will know beforehand what kind of obstacles you are up against. I would copy the database and files of your original store into the test site, (back up everything first) then use the one click uprade module, maybe that will work, or you may see specific errors. Once you have completing the upgrade you can start working with the multistore feature. Once you are comfortable go ahead and move the store live!

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