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Force Compile keeps turning back on

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On PS I am turning off Force Compile in the back end but after a while it seems to turn back on again.


Even if I change the value in the database it stays off for a while then the next day has been turned back on again.


The settings in the smarty.config.inc.php file show cache as false (which is set to true in the back end) as well.


Any ideas why this might be happening?


Thanks for your help.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello again


It seems this issue has come back, roughly every four hours force compile turns back on again even with the caching options at the bottom of the settings page disabled. I reset Force Compile to disabled and the site is nice and fast then a few hours later it has turned back on again.


Can anyone give some ideas as to why this is happening? Are there any logs that would show issues?


Any help greatly appreciated thanks.

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Unfortunately not have tried clearing PS cache and also local cache. I have tried turning off the caching option at the bottom of the performance panel and also turning off caching at the top and the same thing keeps happening, force compile just randomly turns back on again.


Is it possible this could have anything to do with permissions on the server?

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