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Problema con la instalacion

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  • Cuando empiezo la instalacion todo marcha bien, pero cuando llego al 75% me sale este mensaje
  • Create settings.inc file
  • Create database tables
  • Create default shop and languages
  • Populate database tables
  • Configure shop information
  • Install modules
  • Install demonstration data

Cannot create image "MacBook_Air" for entity "product",Cannot create image "MacBook_Air_1" for entity "product",Cannot create image "MacBook_Air_2" for entity "product",Cannot create image "MacBook_Air_3" for entity "product",Cannot create image "MacBook_Air_4" for entity "product",Cannot create image "MacBook_Air_SuperDrive" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_touch" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_touch_1" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_touch_2" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_touch_3" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_touch_4" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_touch_5" for entity "product",Cannot create image "housse-portefeuille-en-cuir" for entity "product",Cannot create image "Shure_SE210_Sound-Isolating_Earphones_for_iPod_and_iPhone" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_Nano" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_Nano_1" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_Nano_2" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_Nano_3" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_Nano_4" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_Nano_5" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_Nano_6" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_Nano_7" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_shuffle" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_shuffle_1" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_shuffle_2" for entity "product",Cannot create image "iPod_shuffle_3" for entity "product"


La he instalado en otras ocasiones, pero esta vez no paso de aqui

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  • 2 months later...

Hola!! yo he tenido el mismo problema. Además del error de instalaciones en las imágenes de los productos de demostración cuando le cambias el nombre a la carpeta admin e intentas acceder te aparece un error 500. Al final lo he solucionado desactivando del servidor el safe mode

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