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Changing Base URL in 1.5.1

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Hi all,


Just thought this problem should be solved incase anyone else has this issue.


I was trying to set my shop up on a subdomain (shop.mydomain.com) rather than what it was at the time (www.mydomain.com/shop).


Unfortunately I tried changing 'Base URL' in the back office to try to accomplish this. As a result I could no longer access my shop. I tried using FTP to change the settings.inc file, though the 'base_url' section seems to have been removed in 1.5.1 (this seems to have worked for older versions).


I then tried to find the base url in my database, but even though I'd read where to find it in the database, no luck.


I am now reinstalling my shop since it fortunately wasn't live. If it was however, I would be clueless in what to do to fix it. Surely there is a simple 1 step solution since I only changed ONE setting.


Please post the most succinct answer to solve this problem:)

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