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[Urgent] Need help with Cart Rules

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Need help with applying a Cart rule. Please let me know if this can be achieved.


I need to give my customers a free gift (already existing product in shop) if Minimum amount of value of products from specific manufacturer exceeds a particular value. Please note that I do not want to apply this with minimum amount value for total order in Cart but to restrict amount to specific manufacturer..


e.g if there are 5 products i.e

A = $10

B = $15

C = $5

D = $5

E = $20


If A,B,C,D belongs to same manufacturer X and E belongs to manufacturer Y.


I want to apply rule that a Gift should be given to customer if Order contains Products of X and Total amount of products from X should exceed $35 no matter what is total value in Cart.


Order could be created with just A and E but gift should not be given in that case.

Edited by premanshu (see edit history)
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