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Outgoing e-mails translation [SOLVED]

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So I've translated all outgoing e-mail texts to my native language (I'm talking about all those e-mails you get when ordered a product, if there was a payment error, slip, cancellation etc..). I've uploaded this entire folder to...but why doesn't it work? I've named it "ru" also..

Do I have to rename my current native language folder "en" ?

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The backoffice language is english, does this really have anything to do with the outgoing e-mails?
I have translated all the files in the en-folder into ru....and now they are in the en folder = NO HELP. I also renamed en to ru = NO HELP.

What can I do? :|

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Actually, I didn't had to translate anything in the back office, so this advice was not helpful at all. But, you are right about one thing, it's important to place all the translated html files in the correct language folder, within the mails folder.

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