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[SOLVED] [PS] Shopping cart empty

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I've a huge problem on my shop.


Every time i add a product to my shopping cart and i want to proceed with checkout clicking on "check out" button i receive a message with: "Shpping cart is empty" when i've just added an item.


I've found this: http://forge.prestas...%3Aall-tabpanel but cannot find the solution.


Thank you!!!

Edited by Pepozzo (see edit history)
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  • 4 years later...
  • 3 months later...

Same problem:

I moved the site from Presta Shop hosted to one that is hosted by another hosting service when the online one closed down.


Everything seems to be working, but when we attempted to: Check out - on an item, the cart becomes empty.


I've searched and tried suggestions on the forum, but to no avail thus far.


Site: https://sparkledesignsbykaren.com

SEO & URL: This is set to friendly and I have the SSL and normal domain set to w/o www (so just sparkledesignsbykaren.com)


I've turned and switched and saved those and no difference.


I've cleared my own browser cache and tried various browsers - no difference


I've cleared the site cache and no difference (multiple times)


I edited difines.inc.php - and set

/* Debug only */

define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);


And no error messages appear (it is still on)


I am using version: - and I ran an update on all existing modules - so they are all up to date.


I checked to make sure appache rewrite module was turned on - it is.


I checked to see if an .htaccess existed - it does not (at least not at root of public_html)




Here are some things I've tried


  • I confirmed SSL and non SSL name are same.
  • I tried with www and without
  • I've I've editted the .htaccess and set SetEnv HTTP_MOD_REWRITE On or SetEnv HTTP_MOD_REWRITE Off and RewriteEngine on
  • Set Friendly URL off and on
  • Cleared cart cache as well as browser cache and cookies and tried multiple browsers
  • Emptied the Connections Tables (in Db)
  • No use of multi-store
  • Auto increment in Cart table is on (in Db)
  • I switch the store name to www (SSL and non) - and added

# Redirect non-www to www:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]
to .htaccess




1. Add to cart - refresh page or check out - cart item is gone

2. Also tried to use forgot password and gives an error (says

  1. An error occurred while sending the email.


Site was working fine when on Cloud - I followed the instructions to set the site up and it hasn't worked - and of course PrestaShop promptly "removed" available number of tickets (I had several left) before I could write a ticket to them to ask for assistance.



Here is a snap of all my settings/areas people seem to ask about and suggest changing:









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