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Upgrade Disaster, I now see white pages everywhere

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I'm upgrading from 1.4.8 to 1.5.1, everything should be fine.


When I use the 1 click upgrade it goes fine to 1.4.9 but when I upgrade to 1.5.1 all I see is white pages and I then have to upload my back ups and start again.


I've been through this process a few times now.


Does anyone have a difinitive guide to updating to 1.5.1 without the autoupdate which seems to be buggy right now.


Just to note, turning on/off errors still gives you the same notice in 1click update (0.8.9).


I've also checked this post but it doesn't really help...





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no, nothing jsut white screen after white screen.


I'm now installing version 1.5.1 afresh and will see if I can import the data.


My Guess is that there is a caching issue.




I've installed afresh and everything is fine in the admin, however I get 500 errors all over the front end, any ideas?


Deleting htaccess doesn't seem to work and besides, I don't see the htaccess generator anymore:(



Edited by David Henry (see edit history)
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Ok, here's one solution...


First, ftp to your config settings file in config/settings.inc.php and then turn errors from off to on.


Now go back to your blank home page and you should see an error for the add-on that is causing you trouble, in my case it's the lofmenu, which is not yet ready for 1.5.1 which is a pain but there it is.


now go to the modules and disable the ones that are causing trouble, you'll also probably see tha PayPal isn't working, that's dealt with here:




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Good advise David. I was preparing to write about checking the error log on your server to see what may cause the blank pages, but it looks like you have found the solution. Are you still having any problems?


  On 10/18/2012 at 9:17 AM, David Henry said:

Ok, here's one solution...


First, ftp to your config settings file in config/settings.inc.php and then turn errors from off to on.


Now go back to your blank home page and you should see an error for the add-on that is causing you trouble, in my case it's the lofmenu, which is not yet ready for 1.5.1 which is a pain but there it is.


now go to the modules and disable the ones that are causing trouble, you'll also probably see tha PayPal isn't working, that's dealt with here:




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Hi gents and ladies,


I have also some 500 errors all over my FO (and no debug messages - even though it's turned on). Anyway it seems that the issue is around URL rewriting - though enabling / disabling settings at BO don't do anything... The issue is quite critical (as it's the production we're talking about - should have learned that even though some things seems to work, it's still the damn prestashop).


So My "new products", "prices dorps", "quest tracking" and "quest checkout" aren't working at all (had to disable the quest checkout as the page just went to blank after trying buy something as quest.


Does anyone have any ideas?

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