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Problems after launchig the new site...

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I've built my new site at a adress like this www.name.com/newshop and after I finished, I changed the name to www.name.com/shop which should be and is the name under it should work.


It appeared that it works, that everything is ok, but when entering the BO, I noticed that when accessing a product, I cannot select any button from the left menu, like: Prices, SEO, Associations, ... and the edit toolbar dissapeared and every description is showed as HTML.


So far, only this issues after swaping from the test site to the real address. I would like to mention that I have done this following the next steps:

1. Activating Maintainance

2. Changing the

Base URI from

/newshop/ to /shop

3. Renaming on the ftp the folder /newshop/ to /shop

4. Disabled friendly url

5. Activated friendly url


Is there something wrong that I've done?

The main issue is that I cannot edit or add new products...


I would like to mention that I use this line in index.php so that it redirects from name.com to name.com/shop


Thank You

Edited by Gil Mobile Online (see edit history)
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