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[SOLVED] Image issues since upgrade to version 1.5.1

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I'm having a few issues with my images since I upgraded. After the upgrade I moved the images to the new storage system, so I'm not sure whether the issues came from the update or from the image move. These are the issues:


-I can't save any product images when creating or updating a product

--> I get the error "An error occurred while copying image."


-I can't regenerate the thumbnails for the products

--> I get the error "Cannot write products images. Please check the folder's writing permissions."


-when I delete a product, it does get deleted, but I still get an error

-->"An error occurred during deletion"


I managed to regenerate all other images by changing the rights to 755. I did the same for the product image files, but it didn't help. I think the two problems are related, but I'm not sure. I tried to put the image files of the old image system back on the server, but the problem remains. I did notice that there is a default image file for each file, but I have no idea whether this is normal or not, e.g 100-166-medium.jpg is accompanied by 100-166-medium_default.jpg.


In addition to that, my site has doubled in size. I think it's due to the images as well.


Can anyone help me with this?

Edited by Lieselot (see edit history)
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Luna, thank you so much! I thought 755 would be enough, but apparently a 777 chmod permission was needed on all the product image files. Strange, because the other images all worked fine with 755, only the product images needed a 777 it seems. All the issues are resolved now: I can save new images, I can delete images and I can regenerate the product thumbnails.



You too thanks for the effort musicmaster, though I didn't need to try your solution anymore ;)

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