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CMS problem and URL rewrite after upgrade

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I have a problem after upgrading from to with the CMS pages not display i get the error message saying the pages have moved.


Debug] This page has moved


I thought no problem ill just make new ones. But that did not work. If i try to go back in and edit in the back office any of the cms pages, new or old the page is just blank. See pic



Also when URL rewrite is on, I get this on some pages.



Click on in front office, My Account -> My Credit Slips

It gets directed to this page,


[Debug] This page has moved

Please use the following URL instead: http://www.testsite.justfurpets.co.uk/order-slip


So I click the Link and directed to:


[Debug] This page has moved

Please use the following URL instead: http://www.testsite.justfurpets.co.uk/order-slip?b1a181f73a69fa1461e5870dba6930bf=LxXtQ0knu (if i posted the whole link would go down about 15 lines.)


Then that link takes me to credit slips page i wanted to go to.


I have found this with My Credit Slips, My Addresses, My Personal Info ( this ones link does not do anything). and a few other links, like my blog module link, goes to 404 page. maybe more pages but at the moment that is all i have found


When URL rewrite is not on it goes straight to the page.







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It seems I have found a solution for the CMS problem from Slim124's post http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/187757-all-cms-articles-are-not-available-after-upgrade-page-not-found-after-clicking-on-article-name/



Try run the query below,



CREATE TABLE `ps_cms_shop` ( `id_cms` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id_cms`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;


INSERT INTO `ps_cms_shop` (id_shop, id_cms) (SELECT 1, id_cms FROM ps_cms);


ALTER TABLE `ps_cms_block` ADD `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `id_cms_block`;


It seems to have worked for my CMS pages, however i still have some issues with outher pages. but it is a start.


But i still have the problem with some other pages like the My Credit Slips, My Addresses, My Personal section on the My Account tab, when logged in to front office


Anyone any ideas on this?? The error i get is [Debug] This page has moved





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I have also similar issues with 1.5.1.

For some reason some of the pages just don't work (or the link or URL rewriting doesn't).

E.g. New products, Specials (price drops), quest checkout (buy items with out registering), guest tracking...

But still e.g. best sales works just fine.


Just horrible mess and have not found any reason why. But my CMS pages does work :D

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i have the same problem. my front office of the site works fine, but when i click on a category i get a blank display wich leads me to...

/index.php?id_category=3&controller=category but when i click on a product from a side menu it works fine.

Same situation when i was working on my local server, but it wasnt the category link, it was the "my account" link.

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