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Color of links and bars on system email

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two options:


1.- The first one is explained here:




However, if you want to change all the e-mails in all languages that can be pretty time consuming.


2.- Another option is:


i. Download the "mail" folder in the prestashop root folder to somewhere in your hard drive.

ii. Open a console and change directory to the "mail" folder you have just downloaded.

iii. Type the following command:


find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/#db3484/#999999/g'


Replacing "#999999" with the colour you want:




iv. Upload the "mail" folder replacing the modified files and your are done.


This of course is for Linux and most UNIXes.

Edited by mirix (see edit history)
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