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[Solved] Add new category via Webservice.

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Hi all!

I suspect that my problem is pretty trivial, but I'm still learning ... :wub:


I'm trying to using webservice add a new category in this way:




define('DEBUG', true);

define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);

define('PS_SHOP_PATH', 'http://localhost/prestashop/');


require_once ('./PSWebServiceLibrary.php');


$webService = new PrestaShopWebservice(PS_SHOP_PATH, PS_WS_AUTH_KEY, DEBUG);

$xml = $webService -> get(array('url' => PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/categories?schema=synopsis'));


$resources = $xml -> children() -> children();


$resources -> name -> language[0][0] = 'Test';

$resources -> name -> link_rewrite[0][0] = 'Test';

$resources -> active = 1;

$resources -> id_shop_default = 1;

$resources -> is_root_category = 0;


$opt = array('resource' => 'categories');


$opt['postXml'] = $xml -> asXML();


$xml = $webService -> add($opt);






xml=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<prestashop xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">


<id_parent format="isUnsignedInt"/>

<level_depth format="isUnsignedInt"/>

<nb_products_recursive not_filterable="true"/>

<active required="true" format="isBool">1</active>

<id_shop_default format="isUnsignedId">1</id_shop_default>

<is_root_category format="isBool">0</is_root_category>


<date_add format="isDate"/>

<date_upd format="isDate"/>

<name required="true" maxSize="64" format="isCatalogName"><language id="1" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/1" format="isUnsignedId">Test</language><language id="7" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/7" format="isUnsignedId"/><link_rewrite>Test</link_rewrite></name>

<link_rewrite required="true" maxSize="64" format="isLinkRewrite"><language id="1" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/1" format="isUnsignedId"/><language id="7" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/7" format="isUnsignedId"/></link_rewrite>

<description format="isString"><language id="1" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/1" format="isUnsignedId"/><language id="7" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/7" format="isUnsignedId"/></description>

<meta_title maxSize="128" format="isGenericName"><language id="1" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/1" format="isUnsignedId"/><language id="7" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/7" format="isUnsignedId"/></meta_title>

<meta_description maxSize="255" format="isGenericName"><language id="1" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/1" format="isUnsignedId"/><language id="7" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/7" format="isUnsignedId"/></meta_description>

<meta_keywords maxSize="255" format="isGenericName"><language id="1" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/1" format="isUnsignedId"/><language id="7" xlink:href="http://localhost/prestashop/api/languages/7" format="isUnsignedId"/></meta_keywords>


<categories node_type="category">





<products node_type="product">










But I only get:


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PrestaShopWebserviceException' with message 'This call to PrestaShop Web Services failed and returned an HTTP status of 400. That means: Bad Request.<br />Internal error. To see this error please display the PHP errors.' in E:\xampp\htdocs\ui\presta_update\PSWebServiceLibrary.php:218 Stack trace: #0 E:\xampp\htdocs\ui\presta_update\PSWebServiceLibrary.php(244): PrestaShopWebservice->parseXML(Array) #1 E:\xampp\htdocs\ui\presta_update\3-Create.php(27): PrestaShopWebservice->add(Array) #2 {main} thrown in E:\xampp\htdocs\ui\presta_update\PSWebServiceLibrary.php on line 218


I really depend on your help ... :(

Edited by superbzyku (see edit history)
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Welcome back!

I wrote a function to add your own category.

Is perhaps not 100% correct but for me it is enough :rolleyes:


It may be useful to someone:




define('DEBUG', true);

define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);

define('PS_SHOP_PATH', 'http://localhost/prestashop/');


require_once ('./PSWebServiceLibrary.php');

include_once ('core_config.php');

// my config for spec. func.


$webService = new PrestaShopWebservice(PS_SHOP_PATH, PS_WS_AUTH_KEY, DEBUG);


function PS_new_category($n_is_root_category, $n_id_parent, $n_id_parent, $n_active, $n_l_id, $n_name, $n_desc, $n_link_rewrite, $n_meta_title, $n_meta_description, $n_meta_keywords) {


global $webService;


$xml = $webService -> get(array('url' => PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/categories?schema=blank'));

$resources = $xml -> children() -> children();

unset($resources -> id);

unset($resources -> position);

unset($resources -> id_shop_default);

unset($resources -> date_add);

unset($resources -> date_upd);

$resources -> active = $n_active;

$resources -> id_parent = $n_id_parent;

$resources -> id_parent['xlink:href'] = PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/categories/' . $n_id_parent;

$resources -> is_root_category = $n_is_root_category;

$node = dom_import_simplexml($resources -> name -> language[0][0]);

$no = $node -> ownerDocument;

$node -> appendChild($no -> createCDATASection($n_name));

$resources -> name -> language[0][0] = $n_name;

$resources -> name -> language[0][0]['id'] = $n_l_id;

$resources -> name -> language[0][0]['xlink:href'] = PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/languages/' . $n_l_id;

$node = dom_import_simplexml($resources -> description -> language[0][0]);

$no = $node -> ownerDocument;

$node -> appendChild($no -> createCDATASection($n_desc));

$resources -> description -> language[0][0] = $n_desc;

$resources -> description -> language[0][0]['id'] = $n_l_id;

$resources -> description -> language[0][0]['xlink:href'] = PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/languages/' . $n_l_id;

$node = dom_import_simplexml($resources -> link_rewrite -> language[0][0]);

$no = $node -> ownerDocument;

$node -> appendChild($no -> createCDATASection($n_link_rewrite));

$resources -> link_rewrite -> language[0][0] = $n_link_rewrite;

$resources -> link_rewrite -> language[0][0]['id'] = $n_l_id;

$resources -> link_rewrite -> language[0][0]['xlink:href'] = PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/languages/' . $n_l_id;

$node = dom_import_simplexml($resources -> meta_title -> language[0][0]);

$no = $node -> ownerDocument;

$node -> appendChild($no -> createCDATASection($n_meta_title));

$resources -> meta_title -> language[0][0] = $n_meta_title;

$resources -> meta_title -> language[0][0]['id'] = $n_l_id;

$resources -> meta_title -> language[0][0]['xlink:href'] = PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/languages/' . $n_l_id;

$node = dom_import_simplexml($resources -> meta_description -> language[0][0]);

$no = $node -> ownerDocument;

$node -> appendChild($no -> createCDATASection($n_meta_description));

$resources -> meta_description -> language[0][0] = $n_meta_description;

$resources -> meta_description -> language[0][0]['id'] = $n_l_id;

$resources -> meta_description -> language[0][0]['xlink:href'] = PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/languages/' . $n_l_id;

$node = dom_import_simplexml($resources -> meta_keywords -> language[0][0]);

$no = $node -> ownerDocument;

$node -> appendChild($no -> createCDATASection($n_meta_keywords));

$resources -> meta_keywords -> language[0][0] = $n_meta_keywords;

$resources -> meta_keywords -> language[0][0]['id'] = $n_l_id;

$resources -> meta_keywords -> language[0][0]['xlink:href'] = PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/languages/' . $n_l_id;

try {

$opt = array('resource' => 'categories');

$opt['postXml'] = $xml -> asXML();

$xml = $webService -> add($opt);

} catch (PrestaShopWebserviceException $ex) {

czarodziej_log("PS/SYNCHRONIZACJA KATEGORII: " . $e -> getMessage(), 1);

// my log function




// simple use


$n_name = 'New category name';

$n_desc = 'New desc ...';

$n_link_rewrite = 'someone_rewrite';

$n_meta_title = 'meta-title';

$n_meta_description = 'meta desc';

$n_meta_keywords = 'some,one,keywords';

$n_id_parent = '34';

$n_active = '1';

$n_l_id = '1';

$n_is_root_category = '1';


// run

PS_new_category($n_is_root_category, $n_id_parent, $n_id_parent, $n_active, $n_l_id, $n_name, $n_desc, $n_link_rewrite, $n_meta_title, $n_meta_description, $n_meta_keywords);



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this code works form me:

$webService = new PrestaShopWebservice(PS_SHOP_PATH, PS_WS_AUTH_KEY, DEBUG);
$xml = $webService -> get(array('url' => PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/categories?schema=synopsis'));

$resources = $xml -> children() -> children();
unset($resources ->id);
unset($resources ->position);
unset($resources ->date_add);
unset($resources ->date_upd);
//unset($resources ->id_parent); //if unset category will be root. If set it must have id existing parent category!
unset($resources ->level_depth);
unset($resources ->nb_products_recursive);
$resources ->id_parent = '6';
$resources ->name ->language[0][0] = 'test';
$resources ->link_rewrite->language[0][0] = 'test';
$resources ->active = 1;
$resources ->id_shop_default = 1;
$resources ->is_root_category = 0;

$opt = array('resource' => 'categories');

$opt['postXml'] = $xml -> asXML();

$xml = $webService -> add($opt);
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I tried in talend  to insert a new category in prestashop but i have have "400|HTTP 400 Bad Request" .


id_parent : "397"

id_shop_default : "1"

is_root_category : "0"

name[langage] : "test"

id : "1"

name[link_rewrite] : "test"

id : "1"

name[description] : "test"

id : "1"


generally, this kind of problem  happens when we don't fill the right fields .

The parent category 397 is already created.



Thanks for your help.

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