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Setting specific quantity rules (e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20)

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I would like to set that the quantity should only allow to be added in the following format: 5, 10, 15, 20 etc;

(meaning, user should not be able to choose any quantity, user should only be able to add by preset quantities that admin sets from back end, which in this case would be in increments of 5

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There is no built in way to do this, it would require a special customization.


Changing the quantity to a drop down on the product page is the easy part, but you also need to override the Cart.php class to make sure the +- signs in the cart summary increment by X rather than by 1, and replace the textbox with a drop down.

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I think it is possible to use "packs" of products (if you run PS 1.5+). Add new product and in first 'Information' screen you have the option 'pack'. You then can combine products into a pack (for example 5 iPod Nanos, or an iPod Nano and a head set etc)

Never played with it, but this may be an option. Some little more info here:




My 2 cents,


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You can of course also just add a 'single' product named "5 packs of sugar", with price for 5 packs. Then the customer can choose two of these products, being 2x'5 packs of sugar' = 10 packs. Also flexible, as you can add a product names '3 packs of sugar' with a price for 3 packs, with a slightly higher price per pack of sugar than when buying the "5 packs of sugar" (say 3x 99 cents= 2,97 and 5x95 cents = 4.75). This way you can just make your own 'packs' just in the name of the product. Just an idea...



In your original question, did you have i mind to have the increase of 5,10,15,... fixed for all products (i.e shop wide only 5/10/15) or per product (or category) differently? The first one is probably do-able with some source searching. The other option needs some serious coding, as you need to store the increase per product/category in the database, make the field editable in BO etc. A lot of work for sure...


My second 2 cents,


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