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hi all, new to the forums here but i've been keeping a close watch on the development of PS1.5 for some time now.


i have a few questions regarding it's use and whether it can actually do what i'd like it to do:


i want to set up a store where i sell goods (digital and real) from different suppliers but i want each supplier to receive payment from the sale of their products directly without me having to handle any of it at all.


i know that paypal has a mechanism called parallel payments built into it's paypal express checkout feature but i've got no idea if this can be set up in presta shop.


ideally i want to create an employee profile that allows people to set up their own products and manage their own items in the main store and also receive the money directly themselves... i have no desire to be an accountant! i have a solution to this running already using wordpress and a couple of addons but prestashop is a much more elegant proposition.


also, i can't seem to get changes to profile permissions to save, there doesn't seem to be a save button and it's not doing it automatically either as i couldn't get to the main dashboard screen using a dummy customer i'd set up with a new profile and some permissions...


any help on either of these two issues will be most gratefully received.




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Hello Jack, welcome to the Forums! There are some modules that can handle parallel payments. I suggest you speak with the creators directly for any specific questions. Here is one for the 1.4x http://addons-modules.com/en/44-agile-prestashop-paypal-adaptive-payment-module-10.html and a Forum link highlighting this same module. http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/157598-module-agile-paypal-adaptiveparallel-payment-module/


As far as permissions, what version of PrestaShop are you using? In 1.5 it does update automatically when you change permissions there should be a green check mark that pops up that says "Update Successful"

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