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Product entry

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I have rather mixed feelings about PS 1.5. It looks nice and is fast but...


I usually enter products one category one at a time. That meant in 1.4 that I didn't have to enter for each separate product what category it went into. That way of working seems impossible in 1.5.


I used to have a custom modification so that I could immediately add a picture without first waiting until the database had accepted the product. Now I can't even add a price with first entering the product. I don't understand why we should do extra things that are not really necessary.


Then there is the picture size. From 500K that is now reduced to 112K. The place where you can change that is - very curiously - the setting for the size of the pictures uploaded by the customers.


What are your experiences?

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you just put them in a folder on the store. then on the csv you use the link to import the file.


For example on mine i have a folder called /imgimport.

then on csv if i want to import the image i use the image field with " ../imgimport/4634.jpg " if i want to import image 4634

Edited by oriflameorge (see edit history)
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