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Dear All Members,


I am Aakash running an online Mobile store using PS 1.5. I need help from those who knows how to edit the theme of the site because I want to change the theme from black default color to my own color blocks.


Those who knows please reply or contact me on my mail id also at aakash.k.punjabi@gmail.com


Its very urgent so please help me with my concern.


Thanks in advance.

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  On 10/16/2012 at 7:57 AM, akkisimi said:
Hello Andrej, I saw your site and the concept of theme maker is awesome. Thats really nice and unique. From that, my question is, Can we make other blocks likes categories, manufacture, etc. by our own desired blocks?


I'm glad you like the project!


As for the question - yes, you can edit the look of all blocks. It's very likely even third party modules will be displayed correctly.

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  On 10/16/2012 at 10:12 AM, Andrej Stas said:

I'm glad you like the project!


As for the question - yes, you can edit the look of all blocks. It's very likely even third party modules will be displayed correctly.


Your Idea is brilliant but it is too much costlier for me.

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  On 10/17/2012 at 5:26 AM, akkisimi said:

Your Idea is brilliant but it is too much costlier for me.


I understand if you need to save money. Wish you good luck with your project! :)


However I think you will hardly find a quality responsive theme for just $14.90 and in this case you can even create it on your ow :)

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  On 10/17/2012 at 7:54 AM, Andrej Stas said:

I understand if you need to save money. Wish you good luck with your project! :)


However I think you will hardly find a quality responsive theme for just $14.90 and in this case you can even create it on your ow :)


I know its unique thats why I said its a brilliant idea and concept. :)


But for me as a low budget site, I can't afford it.

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  • Since this is quite on topic for me and a simple answer to your question is that one just needs to edit the global.css file I did that and changed all the colors, but it seems one part which is the my account section in the footer is not changing.


Anyone have any thoughts on where to edit the footer my account title background color.

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  On 10/17/2012 at 8:26 PM, ShopSaveNEarn said:
  • Since this is quite on topic for me and a simple answer to your question is that one just needs to edit the global.css file I did that and changed all the colors, but it seems one part which is the my account section in the footer is not changing.

Anyone have any thoughts on where to edit the footer my account title background color.



For custom modifications, I recommend using of Developer tools in Google Chrome -

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  On 10/17/2012 at 8:26 PM, ShopSaveNEarn said:
  • Since this is quite on topic for me and a simple answer to your question is that one just needs to edit the global.css file I did that and changed all the colors, but it seems one part which is the my account section in the footer is not changing.

Anyone have any thoughts on where to edit the footer my account title background color.

  On 10/17/2012 at 11:10 PM, Andrej Stas said:

For custom modifications, I recommend using of Developer tools in Google Chrome -


I have tried so many times but due to lack of knowledge I'm not able to change color, border types of my blocks.


Just in simple example, if I have to change block color and border of categories see imagepost-340505-0-98598100-1350541701_thumb.jpg


where I have to write the codes in global.css file? Please tell me where I have to write code.

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  On 10/17/2012 at 8:26 PM, ShopSaveNEarn said:
  • Since this is quite on topic for me and a simple answer to your question is that one just needs to edit the global.css file I did that and changed all the colors, but it seems one part which is the my account section in the footer is not changing.

Anyone have any thoughts on where to edit the footer my account title background color.



Hi, I have the same problem as you have. Account block in footer is not changing even tried many times.

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I have been able to change all of the colors except from the footer my account column title background color. all others are simply changed what I did is used firebug and used the highlight selector that I can click on the area and it will give me the css name, which I find in globals and change to a different color background-color:#fff; to background-color:another hex color code;


Here later I will post a short tutorial on this as I will be working on my global.css file and document each change and what it does. Depending on the time I have will determine when I can post so if not today it will be posted tomorrow.

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  On 10/18/2012 at 12:30 PM, ShopSaveNEarn said:

I have been able to change all of the colors except from the footer my account column title background color. all others are simply changed what I did is used firebug and used the highlight selector that I can click on the area and it will give me the css name, which I find in globals and change to a different color background-color:#fff; to background-color:another hex color code;


Here later I will post a short tutorial on this as I will be working on my global.css file and document each change and what it does. Depending on the time I have will determine when I can post so if not today it will be posted tomorrow.


For changing the color of my account in footer, you have to first go to Modules folder and then go to blockmyaccountfooter folder.

There you can find the css file and edit it. Now your problem is solved bro.



And thanks in advance for posting the tutorial .

Edited by Aakash Mehra (see edit history)
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I have some of it done, but have been real busy, I should finish it up by tonight.



Yeah I thought about going that way, but there should be a way to do it from the global css file, at least that want I think the designers were trying to do, but as I am very new I am not sure about that. I will be sure to figure it out and if I have to do as you said I will add it to the tutorial with a citation for your words.

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Hi, my name is William Williamson with Shop Save N Earn and a few months ago I was struggling with opening my store as many other free shopping cart software codes were deeply flawed and riddled with errors. Now, I am very adept in PHP and other coding, but without understanding the system you cannot possibly fix the code. However, I eventually found PrestaShop and my problems were solved. Soon after I was faced with another issue as I wanted a new layout or at the very least a new color scheme. Now, if you are like me with a very, very limited income; $10-20 is difficult to spend in which a lack of financial stability is most likely why you decided to start a business in the first place. Since I was very proactive and researched I found that most all or all colors can be altered using the global.css file in the themes/default/css folder, which was quite confusing as well, that is for someone new to PrestaShop. I tinkered with it and found how to change many colors within that document.



I noticed many people need help with this so I wrote this tutorial for everyone who needs to change colors on their themes/default/css/global.css page. So, let's begin with a Halloween color scheme!


Firstly lets change the background of the body.


font:normal 11px/14px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
[b]background:#fff---by default it is white[/b]


So we change background:#fff to background:orange or any color code.


		font:normal 11px/14px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
		[b]background:orange---change to orange[/b]



For my colors the text is not dark enough so we change the link colors.


a, a:active, a:visited {
		[b]color:#333;------color is light grey by default[/b]
		outline: medium none



a, a:active, a:visited {
		outline: medium none



Now the block titles we want to change to yellow to match the orange.


#footer .block {margin-bottom:0}
		.block h4 {
					padding:6px 11px;
					[b]font-size:12px;-----text size[/b]
					[b]color:#fff;---- text color[/b]
					[b]text-shadow:0 1px 0 #000;----black shadow[/b]
					text[b]-transform:uppercase;-----text decoration[/b]
					[b]background:#383838----default dark grey[/b]
block h4 a {color:[b]black[/b]}--- other blocks default text is grey

.block ul {list-style-type:none}
					.block li.last {  border:none}
								.block li a {
[b]												color:#333------default light grey link lists[/b]



Now, I want to change the footer background to yellow make the text dark or black and to be even more decorative I will add a shadow for decoration, but be sure the shadow color is different than your text color and the text is not bold.


#footer .block {margin-bottom:0}
		.block h4 {
					padding:6px 11px;
					[b]font-size:12px;-----text size[/b]
					[b]color:black;---- text color black[/b]
					[b]text-shadow:0 1px 0 white;----white shadow[/b]
					[b]background:#E1B506 ----yellow now[/b]

		[b]block h4 a {color:black}--- set the rest of the block title texts to black[/b]

		.block ul {list-style-type:none}
					.block li.last {  border:none}
								.block li a {
[b]												color:black----darken specials and list links text[/b]



For the footer it is trickier but we can make it simple by listing each area and recognizing how it is placed within the document.


#footer {
		[b]color:#fff;---text color for part of the footer[/b]
		[b]background:#333----footer background color default grey[/b]
		#footer .myaccount ,
		#block_contact_infos {



.blockcategories_footer {margin-left:0}
#footer h4 {
		padding-bottom: 10px;
#footer h4,
#footer h4 a {
		[b]color:#fff-------more text color to change[/b]


#footer a {color[b]:#fff-------more text color to change[/b] }
#footer a:hover {text-decoration:underline}
#footer ul {list-style-type:none}
#footer li {padding:7px 0}
#footer li a {color[b]:#fff-------more text color to change[/b] }


#footer .myaccount {padding: 15px 10px}
#footer .myaccount h4 {
		padding:0 0 10px 0;
#footer .myaccount .favoriteproducts img,
#footer .myaccount .lnk_wishlist img {display:none}


Now the edits to change our colors.


#footer {
[b]			color:black;----- change first text parts to black[/b]
[b]			background:#E1B506 ---set footer background to yellow[/b]
		#footer .myaccount ,
		#block_contact_infos {


.blockcategories_footer {margin-left:0}
#footer h4 {
		padding-bottom: 10px;
#footer h4,
#footer h4 a {
[b]	background:orange;----set column titles background color[/b]
[b]text-shadow:0 2px 0 white-----make text to have shadow[/b]



#footer a {color:black---change text parts to black}
#footer a:hover {text-decoration:underline}
#footer ul {list-style-type:none}
#footer li {padding:7px 0}
#footer li a {color:black}---set part of text to black


#footer .myaccount {padding: 15px 10px}
#footer .myaccount h4 {
		padding:0 0 10px 0;
		 [b]text-shadow:0 2px 0 white -----make text to have shadow[/b]
#footer .myaccount .favoriteproducts img,
#footer .myaccount .lnk_wishlist img {display:none}



Okay lastly to finish editing the text colors and the my account title background for the footer you need to edit the modules/blockmyaccountfooter/blockmyaccount.css file as follows.


(Thanks to Aakash Mehra from www.prestashop.com/forums)


#footer .myaccount h4 {
		padding:0 0 10px 0;
		[b]background:#333----background color[/b]
#footer .myaccount ul {margin-bottom:0}
#footer .myaccount li {border-bottom:none}
#footer .myaccount li a {
  display: block;
  [b]color: #fff;---color of text for my account links default white[/b]
  [b]background: none------background color[/b]



Now we need to edit to change both the background on the title from grey to orange, but also need to change the text from white to black.


#footer .myaccount h4 {
		padding:0 0 10px 0;
		[b]background:orange ---- change background color to orange[/b]
#footer .myaccount ul {margin-bottom:0}
#footer .myaccount li {border-bottom:none}
#footer .myaccount li a {
  display: block;
  [b]color: black;---change color of text for my account links to black[/b]
  [b]background: none------background color for each line of lists leave alone unless you want this done[/b]


To change the categories text color edit the categories block in the global.css file.


/*************** Block CATEGORIES ***************/
#categories_block_left  li {border-bottom:1px dotted #ccc}
		#categories_block_left  li.last {		  border:none;}
					#categories_block_left  li a {
								padding:7px 11px 5px 22px;
								[b]color:#333;---text color default light grey[/b]
								background:url(../../../modules/blockcategories/img/arrow_right_2.png) no-repeat 10px 10px transparent


So edit the font color to black.


/*************** Block CATEGORIES ***************/
#categories_block_left  li {border-bottom:1px dotted #ccc}
		#categories_block_left  li.last {		  border:none;}
					#categories_block_left  li a {
								padding:7px 11px 5px 22px;
								color:black;[b]---change text color to black[/b]
								background:url(../../../modules/blockcategories/img/arrow_right_2.png) no-repeat 10px 10px transparent


Each module will have to be edited to accommodate the text colors you want. Okay well that is that, all the things should be changed, which excludes the top horizontal menu and the assurance banner, oh and the other modules, which can be found by finding the word block with or without stars around it.


Now I am not going to edit the warning, success or error boxes colors but if you want to edit the parts are listed below.


.success {
		margin:0 0 10px 0;
		border:1px solid #5cff74;
		background: [b]#d3ffab----background color--light green[/b]


.warning {
		margin:0 0 10px 0;
		border:1px solid #e6db55;
		[b]background:#ffffe0----background color--whitish[/b]


.error {
		margin:0 0 10px 0;
		border:1px solid #990000;



Well that is it we have colored the front office of our store and now have a two tone storefront using yellow and orange to make it fit Halloween. Additionally, it may be better to also change the logo to a more festive or Halloween designed logo with your name. I truly hope this helps everyone, but please be kind as it is my first tutorial and I worked very hard on it.


Here is my pdf version.Prestashop Tutorial-Halowwen Colors.pdf

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  On 10/19/2012 at 10:15 PM, ShopSaveNEarn said:


Hi, my name is William Williamson with Shop Save N Earn and a few months ago I was struggling with opening my store as many other free shopping cart software codes were deeply flawed and riddled with errors. Now, I am very adept in PHP and other coding, but without understanding the system you cannot possibly fix the code. However, I eventually found PrestaShop and my problems were solved. Soon after I was faced with another issue as I wanted a new layout or at the very least a new color scheme. Now, if you are like me with a very, very limited income; $10-20 is difficult to spend in which a lack of financial stability is most likely why you decided to start a business in the first place. Since I was very proactive and researched I found that most all or all colors can be altered using the global.css file in the themes/default/css folder, which was quite confusing as well, that is for someone new to PrestaShop. I tinkered with it and found how to change many colors within that document.



I noticed many people need help with this so I wrote this tutorial for everyone who needs to change colors on their themes/default/css/global.css page. So, let's begin with a Halloween color scheme!


Firstly lets change the background of the body.


font:normal 11px/14px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
[b]background:#fff---by default it is white[/b]


So we change background:#fff to background:orange or any color code.


		font:normal 11px/14px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
		[b]background:orange---change to orange[/b]



For my colors the text is not dark enough so we change the link colors.


a, a:active, a:visited {
		[b]color:#333;------color is light grey by default[/b]
		outline: medium none



a, a:active, a:visited {
		outline: medium none



Now the block titles we want to change to yellow to match the orange.


#footer .block {margin-bottom:0}
		.block h4 {
					padding:6px 11px;
					[b]font-size:12px;-----text size[/b]
					[b]color:#fff;---- text color[/b]
					[b]text-shadow:0 1px 0 #000;----black shadow[/b]
					text[b]-transform:uppercase;-----text decoration[/b]
					[b]background:#383838----default dark grey[/b]
block h4 a {color:[b]black[/b]}--- other blocks default text is grey

.block ul {list-style-type:none}
					.block li.last {  border:none}
								.block li a {
[b]												color:#333------default light grey link lists[/b]



Now, I want to change the footer background to yellow make the text dark or black and to be even more decorative I will add a shadow for decoration, but be sure the shadow color is different than your text color and the text is not bold.


#footer .block {margin-bottom:0}
		.block h4 {
					padding:6px 11px;
					[b]font-size:12px;-----text size[/b]
					[b]color:black;---- text color black[/b]
					[b]text-shadow:0 1px 0 white;----white shadow[/b]
					[b]background:#E1B506 ----yellow now[/b]

		[b]block h4 a {color:black}--- set the rest of the block title texts to black[/b]

		.block ul {list-style-type:none}
					.block li.last {  border:none}
								.block li a {
[b]												color:black----darken specials and list links text[/b]



For the footer it is trickier but we can make it simple by listing each area and recognizing how it is placed within the document.


#footer {
		[b]color:#fff;---text color for part of the footer[/b]
		[b]background:#333----footer background color default grey[/b]
		#footer .myaccount ,
		#block_contact_infos {



.blockcategories_footer {margin-left:0}
#footer h4 {
		padding-bottom: 10px;
#footer h4,
#footer h4 a {
		[b]color:#fff-------more text color to change[/b]


#footer a {color[b]:#fff-------more text color to change[/b] }
#footer a:hover {text-decoration:underline}
#footer ul {list-style-type:none}
#footer li {padding:7px 0}
#footer li a {color[b]:#fff-------more text color to change[/b] }


#footer .myaccount {padding: 15px 10px}
#footer .myaccount h4 {
		padding:0 0 10px 0;
#footer .myaccount .favoriteproducts img,
#footer .myaccount .lnk_wishlist img {display:none}


Now the edits to change our colors.


#footer {
[b]			color:black;----- change first text parts to black[/b]
[b]			background:#E1B506 ---set footer background to yellow[/b]
		#footer .myaccount ,
		#block_contact_infos {


.blockcategories_footer {margin-left:0}
#footer h4 {
		padding-bottom: 10px;
#footer h4,
#footer h4 a {
[b]	background:orange;----set column titles background color[/b]
[b]text-shadow:0 2px 0 white-----make text to have shadow[/b]



#footer a {color:black---change text parts to black}
#footer a:hover {text-decoration:underline}
#footer ul {list-style-type:none}
#footer li {padding:7px 0}
#footer li a {color:black}---set part of text to black


#footer .myaccount {padding: 15px 10px}
#footer .myaccount h4 {
		padding:0 0 10px 0;
		 [b]text-shadow:0 2px 0 white -----make text to have shadow[/b]
#footer .myaccount .favoriteproducts img,
#footer .myaccount .lnk_wishlist img {display:none}



Okay lastly to finish editing the text colors and the my account title background for the footer you need to edit the modules/blockmyaccountfooter/blockmyaccount.css file as follows.


(Thanks to Aakash Mehra from www.prestashop.com/forums)


#footer .myaccount h4 {
		padding:0 0 10px 0;
		[b]background:#333----background color[/b]
#footer .myaccount ul {margin-bottom:0}
#footer .myaccount li {border-bottom:none}
#footer .myaccount li a {
  display: block;
  [b]color: #fff;---color of text for my account links default white[/b]
  [b]background: none------background color[/b]



Now we need to edit to change both the background on the title from grey to orange, but also need to change the text from white to black.


#footer .myaccount h4 {
		padding:0 0 10px 0;
		[b]background:orange ---- change background color to orange[/b]
#footer .myaccount ul {margin-bottom:0}
#footer .myaccount li {border-bottom:none}
#footer .myaccount li a {
  display: block;
  [b]color: black;---change color of text for my account links to black[/b]
  [b]background: none------background color for each line of lists leave alone unless you want this done[/b]


To change the categories text color edit the categories block in the global.css file.


/*************** Block CATEGORIES ***************/
#categories_block_left  li {border-bottom:1px dotted #ccc}
		#categories_block_left  li.last {		  border:none;}
					#categories_block_left  li a {
								padding:7px 11px 5px 22px;
								[b]color:#333;---text color default light grey[/b]
								background:url(../../../modules/blockcategories/img/arrow_right_2.png) no-repeat 10px 10px transparent


So edit the font color to black.


/*************** Block CATEGORIES ***************/
#categories_block_left  li {border-bottom:1px dotted #ccc}
		#categories_block_left  li.last {		  border:none;}
					#categories_block_left  li a {
								padding:7px 11px 5px 22px;
								color:black;[b]---change text color to black[/b]
								background:url(../../../modules/blockcategories/img/arrow_right_2.png) no-repeat 10px 10px transparent


Each module will have to be edited to accommodate the text colors you want. Okay well that is that, all the things should be changed, which excludes the top horizontal menu and the assurance banner, oh and the other modules, which can be found by finding the word block with or without stars around it.


Now I am not going to edit the warning, success or error boxes colors but if you want to edit the parts are listed below.


.success {
		margin:0 0 10px 0;
		border:1px solid #5cff74;
		background: [b]#d3ffab----background color--light green[/b]


.warning {
		margin:0 0 10px 0;
		border:1px solid #e6db55;
		[b]background:#ffffe0----background color--whitish[/b]


.error {
		margin:0 0 10px 0;
		border:1px solid #990000;



Well that is it we have colored the front office of our store and now have a two tone storefront using yellow and orange to make it fit Halloween. Additionally, it may be better to also change the logo to a more festive or Halloween designed logo with your name. I truly hope this helps everyone, but please be kind as it is my first tutorial and I worked very hard on it.


Here is my pdf version.Prestashop Tutorial-Halowwen Colors.pdf


Thumps up for your work and sharing this awesome information for newbies.

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  On 10/19/2012 at 12:34 PM, ShopSaveNEarn said:

I have some of it done, but have been real busy, I should finish it up by tonight.



Yeah I thought about going that way, but there should be a way to do it from the global css file, at least that want I think the designers were trying to do, but as I am very new I am not sure about that. I will be sure to figure it out and if I have to do as you said I will add it to the tutorial with a citation for your words.

  On 10/17/2012 at 7:54 AM, Andrej Stas said:

I understand if you need to save money. Wish you good luck with your project! :)


However I think you will hardly find a quality responsive theme for just $14.90 and in this case you can even create it on your ow :)


Which code is to be write in homefeatured.css so that my center featured products be looks like this post-340505-0-15246700-1350724566_thumb.jpg


in 2 columns format.


Thanks in advance.

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  On 10/20/2012 at 9:16 AM, Aakash Mehra said:

Which code is to be write in homefeatured.css so that my center featured products be looks like this post-340505-0-15246700-1350724566_thumb.jpg


in 2 columns format.


Thanks in advance.


Prestashop Theme Maker even now supports "grid" view of products.

http://presta-th...themes-gallery/ - take a look here what you can directly download after registration.


On October 27th - a new version will be released.

- 2 columns layout added

Edited by Andrej Stas (see edit history)
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The home featured would need the smarty template edited at the very least as I believe the smarty template holds the table data.



Aslo, I agree if you have or get an extra 15 dollars it would be very profitable and efficient to use Prestashop-theme-maker as it is extremely faster and less of a headache, not to mention the layout and other modifications you can do with their services. To be honest as a business owner I cannot devote the time to making multiple templates or designs for my site and build my business at the same time, while doing marketing and SEO of my site. So, Prestashop-theme-maker will definitely be something I will use in the future, and if your like me and have teen and preteen kids you can even let them design the store template at Prestashop-theme-maker for you; that's right it is that easy to make a store template at Prestashop-theme-maker.


Who owns Prestashop-theme-maker?


Do you think they will publish my tutorial on their blog?

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  On 10/20/2012 at 1:41 PM, ShopSaveNEarn said:

The home featured would need the smarty template edited at the very least as I believe the smarty template holds the table data.



Aslo, I agree if you have or get an extra 15 dollars it would be very profitable and efficient to use Prestashop-theme-maker as it is extremely faster and less of a headache, not to mention the layout and other modifications you can do with their services. To be honest as a business owner I cannot devote the time to making multiple templates or designs for my site and build my business at the same time, while doing marketing and SEO of my site. So, Prestashop-theme-maker will definitely be something I will use in the future, and if your like me and have teen and preteen kids you can even let them design the store template at Prestashop-theme-maker for you; that's right it is that easy to make a store template at Prestashop-theme-maker.


Who owns Prestashop-theme-maker?


Do you think they will publish my tutorial on their blog?




thank you for your feedback, I'm glad you like the project! :)


What kind of tutorial do you mean? Please write me a PM ;)

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  • 1 month later...
  On 10/15/2012 at 8:23 AM, Andrej Stas said:



you can create your own theme and set all the colors right here: www.prestashop-theme-maker.com


Maybe you'll be interested in this solution.


this is not an solution.. you have to pay and there is no way they will not share your very own "clickie" design.. ive try that rubbish couple times but each time you generate new theme it ask for 17 dollars or something like that.. its simply wast of time

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  On 12/19/2012 at 11:39 AM, kip said:

this is not an solution.. you have to pay and there is no way they will not share your very own "clickie" design.. ive try that rubbish couple times but each time you generate new theme it ask for 17 dollars or something like that.. its simply wast of time


If you subscribe for 6 months or 1 year - you may keep all your themes private.


I was working on that "rubbish" for several hundreds hours and suprisingly - it's not for free. I think $17 is a great price for a nice theme.


Anyway, thank you for your feedback - however constructive criticism would be much more appreciated.

Edited by Andrej Stas (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Andrej ignore the foolish comments this is an excellent idea and you deserve to get $$$ for your work.

Be great to see a similar idea for module creation/template layout as well.


Personally I think you should hookup with the artisteer team and help

them bring prestashop creation to artisteer I would buy that in a heart beat





Edited by MadDawg (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to OP and Contributer WIlliam for this post!


I'm now struggling to change the footer height in modified default theme. Can someone show me where can I change that?


I've remove everything from footer (all modules) so it's only left with "browse the mobile site" text and a bar.


I want to change that footer bar to smaller height, is it possible?



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  On 2/15/2013 at 1:05 PM, dodimarkov said:

How to make footer background to use 100% width? Searching in forum but i don`t see answer for 1.5.x




Not sure this is what you are looking for..


edit global.css


#footer {



width:100% /* Add this line to make footer width 100% */


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