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Bugs dans les classes AdminProductController, Product

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A propos de processDelete() dans la classe AdminProductsControllerCore:

Je ne comprends pas la manière dont est codée cette fonction,

Il me semble que cela ne peut pas fonctionner !



Voici le code actuel

if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object = $this->loadObject()) && isset($this->fieldImageSettings))
// check if request at least one object with noZeroObject
if (isset($object->noZeroObject) && count($taxes = call_user_func(array($this->className, $object->noZeroObject))) <= 1)
 $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You need at least one object.').' <b>'.$this->table.'</b><br />'.Tools::displayError('You cannot delete all of the items.');
  * @since 1.5.0
  * It is NOT possible to delete a product if there are currently:
  * - physical stock for this product
  * - supply order(s) for this product
 if (Configuration::get('PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT') && $object->advanced_stock_management)
  $stock_manager = StockManagerFactory::getManager();
  $physical_quantity = $stock_manager->getProductPhysicalQuantities($object->id, 0);
$real_quantity = $stock_manager->getProductRealQuantities($object->id, 0);
  if ($physical_quantity > 0 || $real_quantity > $physical_quantity)
$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You cannot delete the product because there is physical stock left or supply orders in progress.');
 if ($object->delete())
  $id_category = (int)Tools::getValue('id_category');
  $category_url = empty($id_category) ? '' : '&id_category='.(int)$id_category;
  $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex.'&conf=1&token='.$this->token.$category_url;
 $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred during deletion.');
$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while deleting object.').' <b>'.$this->table.'</b> '.Tools::displayError('(cannot load object)');


La suppression est interdite si la condition est remplie :

Sauf qu'ici quelque soit le résultat de la condition, on supprime le produit !



Ne devrait-on pas plutôt avoir :


if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object = $this->loadObject()) && isset($this->fieldImageSettings))
// check if request at least one object with noZeroObject
if (isset($object->noZeroObject) && count($taxes = call_user_func(array($this->className, $object->noZeroObject))) <= 1)
 $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You need at least one object.').' <b>'.$this->table.'</b><br />'.Tools::displayError('You cannot delete all of the items.');
  * @since 1.5.0
  * It is NOT possible to delete a product if there are currently:
  * - physical stock for this product
  * - supply order(s) for this product
 if (Configuration::get('PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT') && $object->advanced_stock_management)
  $stock_manager = StockManagerFactory::getManager();
  $physical_quantity = $stock_manager->getProductPhysicalQuantities($object->id, 0);
$real_quantity = $stock_manager->getProductRealQuantities($object->id, 0);
  if ($physical_quantity > 0 || $real_quantity > $physical_quantity)
$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You cannot delete the product because there is physical stock left or supply orders in progress.');
 if (!empty($this->errors[]))
  if ($object->delete())
$id_category = (int)Tools::getValue('id_category');
$category_url = empty($id_category) ? '' : '&id_category='.(int)$id_category;
$this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex.'&conf=1&token='.$this->token.$category_url;
$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred during deletion.');
$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while deleting object.').' <b>'.$this->table.'</b> '.Tools::displayError('(cannot load object)');



Merci de bien vouloir en discuter

Comme c'est une fonction cœur, je trouve bizarre que personne n'ait de problème.

Edited by chantane (see edit history)
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Il y a une autre erreur dans la classe product :


public function deleteCategories($clean_positions = false)
 $return = Db::getInstance()->delete('category_product', 'id_product = '.(int)$this->id);
 if ($clean_positions === true)
  $res = Db::getInstance()->executeS(
'SELECT `id_category`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product`
WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$this->id
  foreach ($result as $row)
 return $return;


Cette fonction ne peut pas fonctionner.

Les lignes étant supprimées, la seconde requête ne renverra jamais de résultat.



Je propose :


   public function deleteCategories($clean_positions = false)
       if ($clean_positions === true)
           if ($result = Db::getInstance()->executeS(
               'SELECT `id_category`
               FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product`
               WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$this->id) === false)
               return false;

       $res = Db::getInstance()->delete('category_product', 'id_product = '.(int)$this->id);

       if ($clean_positions === true && $result)
           foreach ($result as $row)
               $res &= $this->cleanPositions((int)$row['id_category']);

       return $res;


Edited by chantane (see edit history)
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