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Errors while uploading pictures in a category

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This error pops up when I try to add a picture while creating a category.

2 errors

Object cannot be loaded (not found)

Object cannot be loaded (not found)


The category creates but no image. I have to go back and click the edit to add an image and then all is good. The extra steps kind of suck when adding a lot of categories. It does it in subcategories also.


What I'm doing is creating the category without an image and going back via edit and add the picture. I don't get the error this way so I'm pretty sure it's an image upload issue just with the initial category creation.

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I think I got it:


Edit the file AdminController.php (located in the directory /classes/controller):

Lines 1045 to 1049.

replace four instances of:





So the corrected code would look like this:

if (!$this->_object)

$this->_object = new $this->className($id);

if (Validate::isLoadedObject($this->_object))

return $this->_object;


I added a few categories after doing this and it seemed to work.

Edited by bside2234 (see edit history)
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