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Multi-Shop images, need workaround

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This is probably unusual. I created two shops in Multi-Shop. Both are fairly identical, but have different domains. In one shop I have to have product images with white backgrounds for Amazon ads. In the other, nothing to do with Amazon, I prefer my stone background for products.


Okay, so I have the same products in both shops. In one, I go into Image Upload and choose an image with the white background. In the other shop, I go into Image Upload and choose a differently named image of the same product with my preferred background.


In the Back Office Images window, it shows Shop A with the white image checked as the main image. It shows Shop B with the stone image checked, but it's not the main image. When I open both shops in a browser, the image showing is the white background image from Shop A. If I go into Shop B backoffice and make the stone background image the "main" image, then both Shop A and Shop B show the product with the stone background. I can't get one shop with the white images and the other shop with the stone images. Does anyone know of a workaround? Thx.


Oh, just to mention, I regenerated thumbnails but it didn't help.

Edited by rturner (see edit history)
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