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[Solve] Add to Cart Animation not working

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There might be many reasons for this. If you are using some other template then try to switch to default theme and check.

Or if you have installed some module in recent days which might be conflicting with animation JS

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in the file ajax-cart.js (modules/blockcart) the animated object is called #bigpic (line 210 or so in PS1.5) which may not exist in modified templates. Replace that #bigpic with the ID or class of the element you want to fly into the cart. for instance #short_description #buy_block... or whatever other DIV that exists in your template's CSS.


check also if the "destination" exists. That you can fix a few lines after (about line 223)


var cartBlockOffset = $('#right_column #cart_block_list').offset();


...or #left_column depending where your cart is. this will also fix some problems when the animation effect was going in the wrong direction.

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Thanks Marty,


The forum is full of [solved] topics without showing the solution, not even a hint. I found this was the latest, most recent, topic on this animation issue. Although it was "solved" I wanted to share my solution.



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