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{SOLVED-Gave-up}Help! Entire website is gone - only logo and part of foooter left.

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I am using PS 1.5. Everything was fine until I was working in the BO. I edited preferences in the following: Customer Groups, Shipping, and Tax Rules. I went to check my front end ---- no website GONE! I don't know, or mess with code, so I have no Idea what happened. I have attached a screenshot. I tried choosing another template, and still a blank website - except for my logo and the mobile part of the footer. About to cry. Can someone please help? :(


My Site: http://quilt4less.com/presta/



Edited by dixie (see edit history)
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I see what the problem is - I think. For my customer groups - all are set to "unauthorized" modules. I "select all", then authorize and save, but go back to check and they did not get saved to be authorized.???? I am at a loss. Hope the moderator is listening.


I keep trying to move the modules to be authorized, but they go back to unauthorized. I might be about to move a few at a time, but something is not working correctly.


I hope a moderator can go to my admin and see what the problem is.

Edited by dixie (see edit history)
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I am using the newest I did force compile. Part of the problem is in the Groups management. I get my modules authorized and saved, then when I go back later, all of the modules are moved back to "unauthorized" section. Seems like a bug, but I'm not smart enough to know what to check.


Thank you guys for responding.

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The file system cache is on. I get the groups authorized, then the system kicks them back off. I don know how to authorize the modules from the database. I could give it a try, if it is not too hard to explain how I do it. I've been up almost 24 hours, so I have to hit the bed now - can't think anymore. Hope tomorrow will be better!!!

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